ACOIN was created and based on Bitcoin back in 2014. It's goal was to be simple and stick to Bitcoin's core values. The main differences are:
Lower Supply - Currently only around 1,220,000 coins in circulation making the coin
Faster Transactions - With 60sec blocks, it has very fast transactions
Low Inflation - Along with the low supply there is currently a .01ACOIN/block reward which adds less than 6000 new coins each year.
Random Rewards - As a little twist there is a random reward where your block could contain 2-10x the regular payout
Mining - the code has been designed to prevent a never ending race for more mining power that makes people poor, rather than rich. First of all, there are less coins to start with, so a prolonged “war of the miners” is not possible. Secondly, the code is designed in such a way as to discourage larger mining rigs or mining farms to mine Acoin. It is actually more profitable per Gh/s for a small mining rig to mine Acoin than for a multi-terahash miner.