Silly me.
I apologize yorich.
I failed to think about the fact that the topic would broadcast to everyone in general, not just the people I was directing it to, or directing to it.
I'm discussing Alternate Cryptocurrency Trading and used A.C.T. because it's easier (for me, thus confusing you).
C.A.T. is the phenomenal trading software (it IS a phenom in deed) that we use to facilitate trading at (and soon others). There once was a country that was formed as the result of a group of people's fight for liberty; that truly believed the words inscribed upon the base of the Roman goddess of freedom that read: "Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free".
Well, cryptsy is ONE of the homes of huddled mass cryptcurrencies. We're not so much interested in the actual long term value of the cryptos as we are interested in simply profiting from trading them!
And this what C.A.T. does, and does it well (even in beta).
You can read more at: