We are willing to do a trade with user gavva2010. I accept to sell 5488 Lisk for 7.5 btc to him.
As far as i check, gavva2010 has made the transaction https://blockchain.info/tx/f56ee1e5c171bf9d18ba9f551c6d18407387de62041d5ba08513a5cff1d8747c
First of all i'd like to thank you for this trade. monbux seems offline, but as he become online he can confirm this trade. After that once Lisk main net launches i'll send 5488 lisk to gavva2010's Lisk address. I confirm that we made a deal for selling 5488 lisk for 7.5 btc. Here is the prof of my lisk account http://i.imgur.com/yw3li0N.png
monbux we are waiting for your confirmation.
Thank you
Please note that it's a lot better to contact me via PM as well as posting here, to make sure that I can respond to your requests ASAP.