Just what I was thinking....
Not convinced of their Great Britishness. Eastern Asia?
The ATT NITRO LTD is young company established in United Kingdom, engaged in the development and production of bitcoin miners, which are designed for mining of virtual currency – Bitcoin.We decided to change market of bitcoin miners, which are expensive and
tardy delivered. For this reason we made a decision, that we want to develop miners, which will be affordable and with the shortest possible delivery times.
To meet the price policy, we need to
minimalize an expanditures as it possible, also we
had left traditional company structure.
We conducting our bussiness in several countries of Central & Eastern Europe and our supporterts are from China and other countries of Eastern Asia. We are operating under EU directives and treaties
and also law of the countries, where we conduct
a bussiness.
Company structure allows us to set prices, terms and conditions as stated.
And we are able to comply them.