Isn't it depend on the person?
I'm a typical person who will save as much as I can and invest in an asset that I trust, which is Bitcoin.
But I have a friend who like to spend most of his salary to buy anything to fulfill his desire e.g. buy a coffee every morning, hangout every week, going to concert every month etc.
I did ask my friend, "Don't you think such money is better for saving to prevent from worst situation could happen?"
Then my friend answer my question, "I'm happy with that (living by paycheck to paycheck) because we only live in this world once and when we die we won't able to bring our money in heaven."
Honestly I can argue with him because I don't agree with such thought, but if I win, what I get? nothing and it just make my friend become worse because he's not happy to follow my lifestyle.
Yes you are right, everyone has their own thoughts, there are those who want to develop their finances by saving and investing like you do and if I may judge that is a wise action. Because everyone who sets aside their money to save and invest, I think they have a more mature and less selfish mindset.
In fact, it is their right to use the money they have, but for some reason I don't like the way of thinking of people like your friend, because in the name of living only once they spend their income just to always have fun and only fulfill their desires without can think about the increasing cost of living in the future and think that the future will be fine.
I think your friend doesn't have a family and has never experienced significant difficulties in his life, such as headaches thinking about all the bills we have to pay, such as electricity bills, water bills, vehicle tax, children's school fees which are getting higher and higher every day and other basic daily needs. Sometimes the prices of all current needs are not commensurate with the income we have.
Yes you are right arguing with people like your friend will not be beneficial for us, I think let the conditions or difficulties teach them to understand the true meaning of "life is only once" and we should not waste our money just to have fun without thinking about the family and our children we might leave behind when we die.