My question to all is when we will expect first ASICs being build to mine AEON and how much after that will be for sale for everyone to buy?
ASIC can't generate more coins than allowed by protocol. The number of coins will be the same. And of course nobody gonna build ASIC for a coin with 2mm market cap. If AEON cap will increase to 100-200mm manufacturers will consider building one.
By saying that I like ASIC friendliness I mean finally there is no wild goose chase for dumb ASIC resistance.
It was a valid goose chase and still is for some projects. You have to try something out first and if it does not work, try something different. If monero devs (and others) didn’t try asic resistance, nobody would have known if it indeed was possible or not. It is not possible right now with technical design capabilities. Maybe it will be some day but it’s not worth it to spend development money and time fighting something that is designed to do what your project is doing 24/7 anyway.
I disagree.
A quote from the first paragraph of the CryptoNote whitepaper Section 5 (Egalitarian Proof-of-work):
Our primary goal is to close the gap between CPU (majority) and GPU/FPGA/ASIC (minority) miners. It is appropriate that some users can have a certain advantage over others, but their investments should grow at least linearly with the power. More generally, producing special-purpose devices has to be as less profitable as possible.
I didn't find anything wrong here when I saw it the first time, but on hindsight I find it fundamentally flawed; mining will/should be one of the most important tasks to humanity at large if the currency were to serve globally, and hence trying to make the process more efficient is just the nature of human and free market. ASIC resistance means to ban all such attempts and to change the algorithm when the current attempt fails.
If Monero developers continue to be caught up in many flawed mantra in CryptoNote whitepaper, it is doomed to fail.