The African population is diverse. It is estimated to be roughly 1.3 billion individuals, but I think this figure is too low. With a population of over 54 nations, many of which are densely populated, Africa is the second most populous continent in the world. It is challenging to determine the accurate population of Africa because each of these nations has its own unique demographics and dynamics.
In estimating the African population, there are few reliable statistics. Since many African nations have limited access to data collection and processing methods, the information they do have is frequently stale or lacking crucial information. Secondly, it is challenging to precisely track population migrations, births, and deaths in many African countries due to the lack of accurate demographic records. This implies that it is challenging to determine accurate population figures for Africa.
I have basically 0 knowledge of how they do a census in Africa, or if there's any scientific method at all to learning the population of Africa. I would however believe that the population numbers are hilariously wrong. Not just for the challenge of tracking population, but because the birth rates in African countries are as much as 5x higher than birth rates in some Western countries. I could see scientists not taking this into account and sticking with their estimates as if they were correct using Western standards. Africa is quite a bit different than the rest of the world and as smart as scientists are, they can be pretty dumb when they all get on the same wavelength. Look at the vaccine. Any self thinking individual could tell that was going to backfire, yet plenty of liberal scientists are still saying it's the right thing to do. These idiots will literally make fun of anti-vaxxers until they fall over and die from their rushed unsafe vaccines. I doubt they can accurately count a continent they don't even understand or step outside their established population models to think for themselves.
Amazing, how can you convert a post about the difficulties to estimate the population in Africa into a rant over the vaccines, criticizing the "scientist", the liberals... It is so obvious how many wake up in election year so much.
Anyway, census is not the only issue in Africa. Infant mortality in many countries, particularly in the countryside goes sky-high, but there is something happening that is even worse: there are no longer news. News outlets have been closing offices in Africa country after country because they cannot inform.