Legit Income With Proofs is requested at all leading exchanges while converting bitcoins to Fiat.You can simply sell your bitcoins at LocalBitcoins and have the Cash deposited in your bank Account .BUT when banks asks you for proofs you must be able to convince them.
Actually the income is legit and I WILL be paying taxes on it, that's not what I'm trying to avoid. The only thing I'm doing is leaving no trail. I don't want my competitors in my business knowing my edge so it's not about laundering in my case. But I will be using various mixers or exchanges (I'm working out the best strategy) to leave no trail. I'm going to have a 3rd party collect the initial payment (from the advertisers) and he's send to me in bitcoins. So my question to you is what specificalliy will the circle.com or coinbase.com need from me?
My bank at USA won't care because all I'm doing is depositing dollars to them like anything else, once it's in dollars i can wire it from anywhere. The issue is what will coinbase or circle.com or similar companies require?
Cause I do not want to share with them the entire trail i left with various wallets as that's the whole point i'm hiding!
They will ask for all the normal information you have to supply, when you want to open up a account at a bank, because all of them have to adhere to the same KYC/AML regulations. You need ID / Proof of residence / email address / bank account details / Cellphone number and stuff like that.
https://support.coinbase.com/customer/portal/articles/1944900-how-do-i-verify-a-us-bank-account- You not going to get past any of these
things when you use these services.
The Localbitcoin option is risky but it's less intrusive. Once you get a legitimate person to trade with, you will be cool. < Just start small and test the water > Good luck.