Unfortunately it looks like having 100 billion XRP that can be traded for other currency is a little devious, they say its anti spam, then they should have truly complemented BTC by using .00000001 BTC for anti spam (or .0000001 or .000001 ,etc...)
There's no good way to do this. Bitcoins could only be held on the Ripple system if someone were to gateway them, and there's no way to trust a particular gateway without having a central authority. Also, that would make Ripple's anti-spam system a Bitcoin spamming system as every Ripple transaction required a Bitcoin micro-transactions.
I they really wanted to focus on trust based IOUs they could have easily used BTC to facilitate the transactions in small almost worthless denominations. But instead they create a stealth currency.
We honestly had no idea how to make that work for the reasons I describe above. Perhaps you could sketch out how your scheme would work.
And a small handful own all the XRP? with current trades on various forums and sites making these people multi-millionaires already.
Billions of XRP will be given away shortly, as the system is ready to scale.
I see no reason why someone could not build a ripple trust system on top of BTC.
I can give you a long list of reasons why that won't work. Maybe solutions could be found to each one of them, but I suspect that you don't see any reasons just because you haven't looked too closely at the problem. (But if you think you can make it work, by all means please work on it!)
Yeah that is a good point, the blockchain spam on BTC would get out of hand, even worse than Satoshi Dice. I imagined, maybe naively than the BTC would be used in the system maybe internally to the ripple blockchain, and when people make IOU's the spent BTC would be evenly distributed out to all the users (Is this what happens to XRP when spent for IOU transactions) But the important thing being all this transaction data would remain internal to the ripple blockchain until someone wanted to spend them outside of the ripple network.
This means people want to make a trust network and make a IOU, then they case in some BTC to the ripple account, and use small denominations of BTC to make the IOU transaction, just like XRP does now. The spent BTC is redistributed to all users (internally a "satoshi" can be split into a billion peices, so if a billion transactions were made in a day each user would gain 1 satoshi.) and if a user wanted BTC back they cash it out of the ripple blockchain.
Maybe that would be more feasible if a satoshi could be split into a billion pieces already....
Again this is a naive viewpoint from myself, I have no idea if what I just described is implementable at all.