It's fun being an American. We are literally treated like mushrooms ~ kept in the dark and fed a steady diet of shite.
It's because Al Jazeera English is NOTHING like the original Al Jazeera. It's actually run by a highly respected Canadian with tons of journalism experience. What you as Americans should be up in arms about is the fact that you can't access it... In the land of the free :-)
It comes in just fine on my set along with RT and whatever else I could want to watch, granted I have ITV and you certainly want find these stations offered on any cable package here. So, we are free to watch whatever we want but should be pissed that the providers only offer what is 'acceptable' American shit.
Agreed, and of course you can also probably access it online... I was talking specifically about the fact that when Al Jazeera English first got started a few years ago, the association of cable broadcasters in the US made a decision not to carry it on any of their lineups. Again, the arguments they used MIGHT have applied to the original channel, in Arabic, but AJE really is a different sort of beast.