The problem is, most noobs use web wallets because they are too lazy to download Core, or any of the wallets that will give you proper options like -zapwallettxes, RPF or whatever.
Not too lazy, but take up too much memory。If the memory footprint is small, I will choose CORE wallet.It's really big.Is this the cause of the obstruction?
Newbies by definition are new and most introductory guides you can find out there are outdated or have not kept abreast with this issue of extended confirmation times - an issue even most wallets do not alert users about when signing up. Rather than laziness, it's simply a matter of being inadequate information.
And, as you say, even with the information available, the added resources needed for Core and the like are cons that would put off even users like me.
That been said, I've now switched even to storing the coins I move frequently in the in-house wallets of some sites, which charge a flat fee regardless of output. I've found these to confirm very quickly, as my txs are performed as part of a large batch with generous fees.
As usual, very helpful post from OP. I hope more free services like viabtc come about. I've used it myself after >3 days unconfirmed and it pushes through in hours.