kalo member ikutan signature campaign aman ga gan ? atau nunggu full member ? tapi masih lama
amanlah gan, nanti ketika jadi full member ganti aja ke signcamp lain ato ga minta rate baru sama OPnya
untuk member yang aman sign campaign yg mana gan ? jujur bahasa inggris ane masih bawah ..
semua sign campaign itu aman gan buat member selama kita ga nyepam atau OOT berlebihan dan kalo agan suka post lokal
coinmat dan coinoindex juga bagus tapi coinmat sudah tidak menerima partisipant lagi dan coinoindex cuma punya maksimal
post 50 dan kalo agan mau coba yang maksimal postnya melebihi coinoindex agan bisa coba seconstrade campaign yang
punya maksimal post sampe 100 post perminggu
untuk seconstrade itu g ada batasan character y gan ?
baca aja di rules campaignnya yg ini:
★★★ Terms ★★★
1. 10 posts Min per week - no roll over, only first week roll over - as of 05/11
2. 100 Posts max per week - no roll over
3. Payments will be made every week on Monday from the address : 1FTziwutvwSG58XCc7ncnthiPg8NCBh69L
4. No spam, flaming, single word (or image), short sentence, bump, “me too”, “thanks”, other forum(off-topic,meta, Politics & Society, Beginners & Help,Archival) or other obviously crappy posts, - these posts will not be paid.
5. You must use the provided signature code for your member level.
6. Signature code must remain in place for the entire duration of your participation in the campaign.
No other signature code / advertising allowed in your signature while you are participating in this campaign.
7. Negative trust account can't join.