BlueWallet to me actually Restores or create a wallet in the SegWit format as default but you can use advance option during restoration to change script
Yeah, same here for me, if bluewallet detects balance in native p2wpkh segwit, it will suggest you on the screen and probably show it next to the balance.
How to select segwit or p2wpkh during restor
Talkimg is down for me, I will use an alternative image hosting tool, if the balance does not automatically appear in the BIP84 derivation path, follow the steps in the images by clicking on the buttons I marked in red.
Link> short, if it doesn't appear for you, after entering the recovery seed, the wallet will scan for balances in known derivation paths, but if this does not happen, click on:
Custom Derivation Path, in the next step it will show the available address type options, select the
HD Segwit (BIP84 Bech32 Native) option to access your native segwit wallet.
There is probability that the 4btc was just a single UTXO and as such during a transaction the entire 4btc needs to be use and then the change is sent to the change address on that same wallet so with the private keys on your hand you can spend from that wallet all the time. bc1qzfhvk5d3rnsnesy8l7c38plc4kcwz3ytuqvfge; this is the address on which your bitcoin is on and if you search with the other address it will show am empty address without bitcoin
This is strange, there is hardly a wallet that sends the remaining balance (change) to a different type of script, only 2 wallets that I know of that do this: Bitcoin Core and Coinomi (you have to enable it in the settings), it is probably enabled in the options to send the remaining balance to a different type of change address, but this should be optional (but I suspect that this option does not even appear in the user interface).