Ethereum is the game changer.
ETH will make BTC look silly (it already did)
Time to seperate religion from technology ![Wink](
BIG TIME --> sry Satoshi:
@Satoshi: You did good bro, but things happen…
Well I ask you, ETH may be a breakthrough but is there good reason why the ETH tokens (coins) should be worth as much as they are? They're not being used as currency. Or are they? The whole thing gives me a fucking headache.
It was pumped at a strategic time just the right way and.. with a lot of money !
We *SHOULD* all know this creates a domino effect..
Basically if i setup a massive hype campaign including maybe some "News" submissions for Coindesk etc
Then had my army not shut up about it for 2 seconds i could then flood the market for ETH
with cash $$$
This will cause the little greedy idiots around here to salivate and drool and have visions
of Lambo's dancing in their heads.. in turn creating a little stampeded to get a piece of
that "Pumpers" action and hmm who might be inclined to Pump it ?
The usual suspects of course duh but based on all factors here i'd say it's the ETH team behind it.
So we get a Tsunami of greed.. and OVERNIGHT the price rockets.
This did NOT happen because of gradual natural growth since 2014.
All these accounts were just created or were setup not long before hand..
This was a premeditated planned operation by the same guys who bought the coins
from the IPO launch in giant blocks quietly for a tune of 1 million dollars. (during day 1 launch 2014)
I say that because simply put.. that is what i see.
It has nothing at all to do with me being jealous or an Evil troll picking on ETH etc.
Or that i am all "worked up" or some other dumb fuck tardlet Crypto cliche.
These sleazy idiots here have been working over time flooding this place with ETH noise.
They rarely say anything either.. it's more "I like it's it's going to the moon !!!" Noob accounts.
That is NOT providing a rational explanation to why the price exploded overnight
when ETH is not being used / adopted... as....... a.......... CURRENCY