
Topic: Am I a scammer? - page 2. (Read 1500 times)

Activity: 42
Merit: 0
June 07, 2014, 05:28:47 AM
Stealing is never right, it doesn't matter if your entire family is dying of cancer. You can get a real job and make money, or start a business. Taking that money from other people is the worst thing you can do.

It sounds like you are a pathetic and frail creature. You will bring more evil upon your life through scamming, and we can hope you will get arrested or die in the process.

And it sounds like you are full of shit. You want money for your families dying from cancer, and a new car and house? Give me a fucking break.
full member
Activity: 140
Merit: 110
June 07, 2014, 04:13:02 AM
I came back to the boards about 2 weeks ago, maybe less after I'd found out that my mother, my grandmother and now my father all have cancer. I asked for your charity because I wanted to help them out, and I wanted to help get to where they are so that I could see them in their last days. I don't know what I would have done had I had the chance to get any BTC from people. In all honesty, I wanted to buy a house of my own, or put money down on one, or buy a car. For the past 7 years I've been living with extreme panic and anxiety with agoraphobia disorder. For the first year of this disorder (which began in 2007) I couldn't leave the house, I had people shopping for me and taking some off the till when it came shopping time. (Meaning they were buying things for themselves with what little money I had). I was so desperate to come out of this, that I would do anything to make some money, because I thought money would solve all of my evils, and make me feel normal again. I asked for donations in several places (coinchat, here) because I thought maybe a believable story would make people want to help, but it turned out that it just made people not want me to chat or be around them.

The cold hard truth is, my mother DOES have cancer, stage 3b. She's going through chemo and it's a pain to watch her hair fall out and all she does is sleep all day. She's only on her second treatment and it's painful to watch each one because it gets harder and harder for her. My grandmother has kidney cancer, TCC (I can't think of the technical term for this) and she doesn't even know it. She has maybe 3 months to live, and she wants me home to see her, but I can't come see her and take care of my mother and all of her business at the same time. Hell I can't even take care of myself. I'm still suffering from extreme panic, and no doctors will see me here. Nobody is accepting patience and psychiatrists aren't looking either. My father is 67 years old and just found out he has melanoma. They haven't found out about staging or any of that yet, but by the looks of it, he might not have very much longer to live himself. That wouldn't be bad enough if he wasn't already suffering from mitodermititus (spelling on that) which is an auto-immune disease that made him lose 70 pounds because the flap that separates air/food isn't working properly and he is asphyxiating on his own food. He spent 2 years in the hospital, the first pictures I got of him he looked like a skeleton, or someone who'd just gotten out of a death camp. The chemo for this would ruin him, if not kill him.

I would do anything to get back home, and to secure that my last few months maybe years with my relatives were happy and pain free. I came to the community with this because I didn't know where else to go. I can't work, I can't find work. I've tried online services that "pay fast" but they all seem to just trickle in amounts when I need a large sum quickly just to secure a future. I lost the house I live in in 2012, because I was behind on virtually everything. I moved in with a friend and it turned into a nightmare. It was then and only then that I moved in with my mother 7 months ago. Since then watching her get sick has been horrible.

So you can see that I've had a rough time, I'm completely horrified about what I'm going to do, and I would do *anything* for money btc or not. I tried running an indiegogo campaign but nobody would contribute through my "friends" they all have real lives and responsibilities.

I'm not honestly trying to scam anyone out of anything, but I'm so desperate for money I lay awake crying and can't sleep. I want for everything to be ok, I want to be able to pay my mother's bills because she can't work now. I want to be able to comfort my grandmother when she finds out she hasn't long to live, I want to ease my father's pain and help him get strong enough that chemo won't bother him at all. That's all I've ever wanted, I didn't want the money JUST for myself, but to help others. I wanted to do good.

So feel free to neg rep me, if I am indeed a scammer. I'm sorry that I tried to take you guys. All of this is legit truthful information and if anyone where to ask me a year ago that 3 relatives would get cancer within a couple months of each other I would have told you you were lying.

Hate pm's, negative trust incoming.
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