@tyKiwanuka. What are your best recommendations for books to read to become a better gambler on sportsbetting and other gambling games?
For sportsbetting I wouldn't recommend any books, don't waste your time reading such books - all information can be found in the internet. The two big cornerstones of value and money management are not very extensive in the end. If I tell you, that in a coin flip with odds of 1,90 - 2,10 you should always bet on the 2,10, that is all you need to know about value, the rest you have to figure out yourself in your niche. No book can/will help you with that.
In general, reading is quite important for sportsbetting, but I would rather regularly check websites, blogs, forums etc. to learn about certain sports. If you desperately want to read a book, I would go with autobiographies to learn some dynamics about a certain sport. Since you are an NFL fan, you could for example read a book from or about Bill Belichick and extract some valuable things for your betting there (maybe). If not, it should still be an interesting read and not a waste of time.
For everything else that is needed, some books about psychology or mental strength would be the better choice.
For Poker things are different, because there is so many angles and mathematical approaches to play certain hands. There is a lot consider (position play, stack size) and you not only have to judge your own hand, but also the hands of your opponents. So theory wise, Poker is way more demanding compared to betting. There is a lot of good poker books for every stage of your poker career (beginner, advanced, semi-pro), but I can't recommend any. You could probably ask in the hand discussion thread here in this board.
For all other gambling games you don't need to read a book. You will lose wether you have read thousands of books or not
Also, when will you start your own tipster thread hehehe?
Hehe, I guess never
I am a pretty poor pre-match punter these days and those threads only function with such kind of bets. So it would probably end in an embarrasing disaster and lots of people losing money. I have some good pre-match bets from time to time, but followers would want daily picks. There is also lots of added pressure, if you post your picks publicly.
The list is surprisingly long. And what's on the other end of the seesaw? Is it only this:
But this is my job now, I love to do it, I am happy with it and can't think of any other job, that would give me such joy (and freedom).
Is it therefore worth it?
For me it definitely is, but other people might hate it. It's not for anyone.
Don't underestimate, what a job/occupation/hobby that you burn for, can give you. I am really looking forward to every working day and all the joy and freedom this job gives me outweigh the negatives by miles. There is not a lot of jobs, where you are so excited to start the day, that you get up 3 hours before you actually should or are supposed to. I never saw an employee in a "normal" job, saying on a Sunday morning: "Oh, I am in such a mood to work, I will go to the office now." Never heard anyone say that or do that. Those people can't wait to finish their work for the day. They are living for the weekends (because that is the time, where they don't have to work). They are sad, when their vacation is over and they have get back to work; next vacation is months away. I can't wait to get to work and am always a bit sad, when there is nothing to bet on on a given day.
Based on the list of disadvantages, I feel that you are constantly pressured not just mentally but also socially, financially, and even emotionally. You're living on a financial edge and seem alone and lonely in your 24/7 duty because friends and family are ignorant about what you are doing. I hope I'm wrong but that's what this list evoke in me. How could you even share your joy in winning a game when the other people around you are clueless?
It certainly looks/reads like that
But it's not like that, the list reads a bit "too hard". The 24/7 duty has gotten way better in recent years, because I am way more selective with my bets nowadays and switched to live-betting mostly (and don't prepare a lot other than watching my sports regularly). So today for example, I am just waiting to watch some football in the evening and am not "on duty" until then.
There is financial pressure, yes, but I know a lot of people in normal jobs, that have that pressure as well - and their job is not giving them any joy nor freedom (see above). They are imprisoned in some system and contracts and are barely able to survive.
Sport events mostly take place while other people have free time. This is logical, because the events need to generate some income from spectators. So these events have to take place, when the majority is not working (weekends, evenings). And this is the time, when I have to work then, while other people don't have to. In recent years I was often invited to some party, watching football together, just sitting together and having some beer, and this was of course scheduled on a Friday or Saturday evening. When I said, I won't come, because I have to work, very often I would hear something like this: "Huh ? Why do you have to work ? What is going on at that time ?" This always annoyed me, because it showed ignorance towards me and my job. Now I can't demand some birthday party to be held on a Monday morning, where I don't have to work. I was just asking to show some awareness and understanding what my job is about. I often skipped work due to attending parties, weddings and all those things. The times I didn't attend, I would always get ignorant questions about it. And it's not that hard to understand, if you cared just a little bit
I work most of the time alone (well, are you ever alone in internet ? People socialize a lot through the internet nowadays), but there is a huge difference about being alone and being lonely. I am not lonely, I have family and lots of friends and can look for company, whenever I want to. I am no nerd sitting in front of the computer and not wanting and not being able to get in touch with real life. Life has digitalized a lot in recent years and so did mine too. People see working also as some kind of socializing, but I can do without all these perforced friendships you have at work. I enjoy being alone doing my stuff without a boss and people to explain myself and report to, but I don't have to be alone. Being able to enjoy yourself alone is great, being forced to be alone is bad.
I don't let myself get pressured with other peoples opinion about how I should live my life. I live my life the way I want to and will happily invite everyone to be part of my life. If you are being ignorant and show no interest though - there is a door. I am always very interested in other peoples life and their stories, took a lot of time to listen and help whereever I was able to and I expect people around me to do the same to me. Give and take.
I put the list of disadvantages up, to show that not everything is shiny with being a professional gambler. Because, apart from the misconception that every pro gambler is rich, most people have the illusion that this is an utterly fancy world like some Hollywood movie. As I said multiple times, it's a normal job in the end - a very rare one and also one that not everyone is able and willing to do. I wouldn't recommend doing such a job, but for me and my life it's the perfect fit.
I will put up a post about bullying from authorities later today or tomorrow.