Sold another one to this guy
and another and another.. sorry i've lost count at this point but somehow my amazon balance and is what my bitcoin balance used to be..
anyways this guy is straight, i've always went first with the coins and hes always went second.. its too bad hes gotten a bad rep here.. its not really different from or those other amazon/btc traders.
i say give him a break and let him doing his thing.. it is the internet after all
TXID's please.
Also, please forward me your proof of purchase for these cards. If I find it legitimate, I'll most likely buy, if I don't, have fun.
I get them from other people
For what reasons? How will you know when you'd be getting more in stock? And didn't you say you're a Canadian guy who bought it with his card? I'm pretty confused here. Are you having trouble keeping up with your bullshit?
Yea, I'm a thief. Stealing cards. Better watch your pockets!
Fucking crazy people. Yes, in this moment I get them from Canadian guy but I will get them from other people too. How Do I know when? I don't, but last 2 days I got like 6 or 7...
Since I don't accept paypal, skrill don't like, I accept amazon gift cards...
why I need to explain myself every fuckin's none of your business actually... you want to buy it? good. I will sell it, send you first, give you good price. But why are you all so annoying, I'm not a thief and you will not serve in jail for amazon gift cards... so tired of this...