Thank you for your interest in the project and support! It's really important!
Sorry for the long delay in my answers.
gui wallet is already available on Linux systems, e.g. Ubuntu.
I know that most users use Windows, but for using gui wallet before the windows version is done you may:
1. Install dependencies:
$ sudo apt-get install git build-essential libssl-dev libboost-all-dev libdb5.3++-dev qt4-default qt4-qmake
$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ mkdir ~/.amcoin
$ cp amcoin/amcoin.config ~/.amcoin/amcoin.conf
You may uncomment that lines:
rpcuser -
rpcpassword -
5. Compile wallet:
$ cd ~/amcoin
$ qmake "USE_UPNP=-"
$ make
$ ./Amcoin-qt &
any plans for POS/masternodes ?
POS/masternodes - I'm not ready to comment on this yet.
so, three tasks are planned in a very near time
1. windows wallet
2. block explorer
3. promo and a detail guides
I recommend to try use a linux gui wallet for getting AMC address and connecting to pool with any power you have.
At the moment network stats is:
blocks generated: 10257
networkhashps: 266601534
difficulty: 3.32142314
Also I want to say next:
If we allow mistakes that will not allow the creation of NOT A GARBAGE coin,
but we will collect experience and suggestions/criticism we'll can launch a such coin that needed the community.
Please, help with it!
Because I don't aim to HYPE or another scam.
Many coins are present, but at the exchanges it's perceived as a garbage or speculative unit,
dump be own creators right after creation.
Tell me what kind of roadmap you would like to see? what else should I do first?
Thanks a lot again for understanding.