1. setting --RAS reports as having set --PA2RDATA. Looks like maybe just a display issue tho, as --current then reports RAS as having been set properly
2. setting --RC is also applying the value to CL - and since setting CL doesn't work (prevents card from being initialized by miner, reboot required) effectively RC cannot be set
3. you might be missing some bits for RC (or it's just incorrectly mapped to CL)? strap says 65, but it reads same values as CL, and if i set > 31, i get an overflow (e.g. setting 32 results in 0).
EDIT: Btw - any hints why DRAM1/2 values change under load, even when the core/mem state haven't changed?
I'm going to check this tomorrow, did everything in a rush without even testing
Should clean a bit up because it's becoming a mess.
Already saw some issues going over the code.
And Laik2 pointed out that some bits are wrong, he's right (PMG for example.. 3-1-3-1-4-6-3..)
(See that Laik2, i'm not too "Godlike" to acknowledge my mistakes)
I'll see to add some extra timings that i didn't yet expose, will expose HBM2 Memory Manufacturer as well.
Anyhow, when i wake up i'll take some more time to test and clean up code because after adding hbm1 it's a total mess.
Fixed the bitfield bugs, cleaned a bit up, added a few things.
More details
Only done so on linux version, will update the rest asap as well.
Direct link to linux cli binary: here