Bought in WalMart in 2014. I use an old one from 2013. It's fully operational today! The original panties. There was an idea to sell some of them and revive my wardrobe. We need money and help from the crypto community.
It is also an original Christmas gift (panties + chemical burn marks) .
You'd be a fool not to see the potential. Like a rarity.
I will share my successes and my thoughts in this forum thread.
Wanna buy?
This made my day too.
so anyone wants to buy because certainly, he has tons of it. he didn't even need a market for him to sell to anyone.
he would use this money to build the website, block explorer, updated wallet, and listing which is the purpose of selling it privately. It however not gonna work because if people wanna invest, they also need to know if they can profit. he just has to invest in it from his pocket for investors to see the dedication. if from the beginning there is non already then this will turn out to be garbage.
People who see the potential can help me.