One day bitcoin is fully regulated by the most of the govs and constitutions. Ppl may start to trust and use it.
You can not regulate Bitcoin.You might be able to regulate companies using Bitcoin but that's it. And when we will see decentralized exchanges and marketplaces it's over with regulation. Furthermore I don't believe every country will regulate Bitcoin companies as much as the US might do in the future. We already safe havens for Bitcoin companies. Guess what these companies will do if htey get pushed too much in to a corner by government? They will leave and settle somewhere else.
it is like trying to regulate piracy, if anything has to be learned about banning piratebay or the likes, it does not stop, you cannot control what people demand(unless you are apple, you can command your apple fanboys to do whatever is your bidding). If people want to use bitcoin and use it for what it is intended for, it cannot be regulated and indeed they will seek ways to evade any means a government has to try and regulate something that is not in their hands. "You have no power here!"