
Topic: An Open Letter to Humanity - page 2. (Read 3576 times)

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Activity: 476
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I like boobies
December 19, 2014, 01:31:36 AM
"tl;dr, you're nutty" Haha. JK!

First, let me welcome you to the bitcointalk forum. Second, as much as I'd like to believe humanity will one day reach the level of maturity and enlightenment that some books, movies and TV shows like Star Trek predicted, I really don't see it ever happening and here's just a few reasons why.

Basically, there is a elite ruling class which has long ago divided and conquered us. By keeping the majority of us desperate and fearful they are able to manipulate us to do their bidding.

Perhaps at one time, it may have been possible for us to develop intellectually and spiritually as a unified species utilizing something such as a 'gift economy/society', but (for several reasons) I don't believe it will ever happen now, and as such I have lost all hope for humanity. Call me a fearmonger or doomsayer, but if you only consider the toxic pollution many industries have been creating on a daily basis (more than any of us could do in our entire lifetime) and the resources they consumed doing so, I think we have been condemned (along with most of the life on this planet) to hell and soon extinction.

Even without these numerous industries creating toxic waste and pollution as byproducts, we have others whose sole purpose seems bent on destruction. For example, on the one hand we have corporations like Monsanto striving (these days) to alter and patent all life on earth, while on the other hand we have hundreds of nuclear power plants around the world facing their imminent catastrophic demise, leading to even more disasters like Chernobyl and Fukushima, never mind the weapons they are used to create.

"If the world were a village of 1,000 people ..." by Dona Meadows outlines many troubling aspects of humanity as a whole in such a way that even a child could understand.

Anyhow, pardon my bleak outlook of our future and have a nice day.

Cheers! (Another crazy Canuck.)
Activity: 17
Merit: 0
December 18, 2014, 09:35:32 PM

XRPtalk banned me for mirroring this there!! A moderator decided to post "tl;dr, you're nutty" and I responded with saying that I do not appreciate the arrogance and rudeness coming from a staff member, I've spent a lot of time and effort to write this and I was being censored by RL, NOW I'M BEING CENSORED THERE AS WELL!!

I have come here to to make sure that there is a third mirror of my Open Letter and that I may possibly find individuals here who find this message to resonate well with them.

This is an open letter to all human beings.  If this message resonates well with you, please feel free to replicate this document in it’s entirety, as long as no alterations are made to it,  or share the link online.

I am an economist and a programmer living in Ontario, Canada.  I work with monetary systems.  I am writing a list of questions, answers, probabilities, and other thought provoking material regarding the study of economics.

First, what does the notion of money give to you?  You must obliviously believe that you will always need more money than what you have, for things that are either for the future, or things that you cannot afford now.  The idea of money is abundance.  It is something that our governments have created and stated this is value; fiat currency.  This is the current form of perceived wealth of the mass of the population.

Why is fiat currency considered to be valuable?  Well, governments require you to pay taxes in that form, so it is valuable in that way you must use it to avoid penalty of your country’s laws for tax evasion.  Secondly, it is a medium of exchange.  People within your country can also use it for it’s primary purpose, so in of that fact, people apply value to real things and services provided in exchange for a currency.

But the bigger picture question is, what is wealth?  What is truly a representation of wealth?  This wealth can be physical dollars or gold.  This wealth can be the bits stored on the bank’s computers representing the dollars in deposit on your account.  It can be the amount of bitcoin available to you through the use of a private key.  Wealth may also be a verbal or written agreement with consensus voluntarily from both parties that a certain amount of “credit” is either debited or credited from two accounts for a transaction occurring.

Why do we need money?  We are truly an abundant planet.  Could we not just be of service and provide real things to people without a charge associated with the work or item(s) provided?  That is what this open letter to humanity is fixed to aim to solve.  It will document examples, thought experiments, and mention an individual’s work who may be of interest to you should this letter resonate well with you.

There are no chapters.  This is not a novel.  This is not a book.  This is just information as it has been documented through history within our science fiction and the reality of our inventions.  There are questions which may be philosophical or spiritual in nature, in some cases.  All of this leads back into one truth which is evident within my time on Earth:  you have always been free and you are always completely abundant at all times.

Very early on, we bartered with each other.  The people in that place at that time took things of perceived value to arrange an agreement between one another what would be fair for both parties.  This exchange of energy could only occur if both parties were in agreement for what asset was available at that moment for the transaction, however, a credit was issued in the way of an agreement that “I owe you…” in the future for something now.  The creation of the IOU is the first instance of a creation of credit.

The Egyptians in ancient times were the first to use a medium of exchange for completing transactions.  This however was not money at the time.  The gold was not refined to a set unit of account, such as its purity and weight.  Transactions were done carefully with scales and estimates of how pure the gold may be. 

The Greeks of Athens are the first in history to have money.  They refined gold into coinage, which had a specific purity and weight to each coin.  It was divisible in the way that an IOU could be issued as change if the total weight of the coin was greater than what was purchased.  It was portable and it was durable.  In fact, the gold from Egypt and Greece is still around today, however, it may be melted down into other pieces of jewelry, art, or coinage.

Athens, however, did not regulate their supply of their coinage effectively.  They devalued their money and created a currency.  This was done by taking a portion of copper and adding it to the gold in the refinement process.  This was done to pay for war against Rome.  This is the first instance in history where gold had a price, a certain amount of useless copper flecks could be exchanged for money.  Eventually the Athens economy collapsed due to the inflation and the war with Sparta and Rome ended poorly in Athen’s favour.

Currently, The USA and every country's central bank is perpetuating the same crime Athens committed.  They are creating fiat dollars out of thin air by printing currency and using it for war and social projects.  All silver is no longer available within a government minted coin, however, silver was common among all government’s coinage 100 years ago.  Slowly, all governments stole purchasing power from their citizens by replacing the precious metals from them. 

The fiat currency inflates its value away.  This is done by a government creating more dollars and by the commercial bank’s abilities to lend out 9 times, a single deposit applied to an account. To protect your wealth from the creation of new dollars, which increases prices because the fiat currency becomes more worth-less, you hold onto money.

A world after the transition from fiat currency will look quite different.  Items which have perceived value will be free to float against regional and worldwide free market rates.  Precious metals will be an anchor for physical transactions of wealth, whereas items such as Ripple IOUs and the Bitcoin will be used for electronic payments and for redemption of future assets exchanged by an IOU agreement.

A world after governments imposing belief systems and regulations onto individuals will look quite different.  After this scam is well known by the masses, the governments of the world will be quickly dissolved and individuals will be able to regain their own power over themselves.  This will allow for individuals within their countries to come to a voluntary agreement for transactions.  This will allow for non aggression pacts to be formed and for the worldwide agreement that the Earth is a common life ground shared by many individuals and no individual has the right to harm the Earth for their own abundance.

At this point in humanity, free energy systems should be developed and made available for all individuals.  Shelter and food distributions systems, like food banks, should be created on local levels with volunteers being the source of the labour required.  This will ensure individuals will have access to a place to live comfortably, the ability to use technology like a laptop and internet connection, and run all necessities of life such as cooking.

Do you know of the popular science fiction television show and movie series Star Trek?  Within this fiction, there is technology available called a Replicator.  This Replicator technology can be used at a personal and industrial level.  A the personal level, it uses energy to create food, clothing, tools, and other items which are catalogued in a database which include the instructions to take the provided energy and re-arrange it to produce a physical product from a currently unknown scientific process.  If a technology such as the Replicator were to become a reality for humanity, we could eliminate hunger and poverty for all individuals.  On the industrial level, larger replicators are used to create housing and to create star ships to traverse outer space.  These much larger replicators are air-lifted to a location to build a specific schematic which is available in a computer database.

With Star Trek still in mind, think of the possibilities of having free energy and whatever physical thing you needed at that time to produce something or provide a service?  Everyone on the Earth would be able to simply do what they are excited and passionate about doing at that time because we would all be fully abundant!  Our economies would shift away from wealth and onto the values of self improvement and the improvement of humanity; just like within the Star Trek universe’s fiction.

One of the biggest challenges of this transition period for humanity will be the concept of borders, governance, and countries.  Essentially, all human beings are the same.  There are many, many different cultures and therefore belief systems which are common to many of us.  On the Earth, we are all one but we’re are all unique.  Apply this thinking to the universe as a whole, however.  We are all essentially a piece of a much larger whole.  Travel should be unrestricted and free as according to a schedule for all persons.  Everyone should have the right to visit other human beings everywhere on Earth to be able to see the similarities and differences within cultures on Earth.  This will allow yourself and those you meet to learn more about their true selves as they notice things which are similar and different for themselves.  This is the nature of the universe experiencing itself, and it should be completely free to do at any time.

Here is a thought experiment for the reader.  Imagine that humanity is 1000 years in the future from the time of 2015; so we are living in 3015.  Imagine that a star ship is as common as a common auto-mobile.  How would anyone be able to go throughout this solar system without a fear of someone interacting negatively with you?  I am basically thinking about the issue of piracy within modern day Somalia, but applied to this time period’s possible social issues.  There may be outlaws who do not have compassion for other human beings and may attempt to take you as a slave, your possessions, your ship, or even your life.  The question now arises at this time:  should humanity evolve forth now and eventually allow our technology that will be our transportation within outer space have weapon systems available to them?  This is an important question for humanity to solve one day as it may affect the ability to defend ourselves as well as the ability for ourselves to declare war against ourselves and other beings which live in the universe which we have not yet encountered at this time in our history.

Within economics, there is the concept that an item or service is scarce.  The item or service can be either very abundant or there can be a lack.  This is the force which describes supply of a resource or service against the demand of that asset or service.  The perceived value is the market forces which drive the price of that product or service to change over time.  The reason why we make transactions for products and services is for utility, that is, we get something out of the product or service provided.  We drink water to hydrate ourselves and we pay rent or a mortgage to have a home where we live. 

The last economic theory you should be made aware of is the theory of marginal utility.  Imagine I set you down at a chair and table in a room in which you can’t leave for two days.  I am in the room with you the entire time.  On the first hour of the experiment, I give you a chocolate bar and you will probably eat it.  If I were to wait an hour and give you two chocolate bars, you may not feel the need to eat both but you may because you have recently had that experience.  Until what time will you experience so many chocolate bars after 24 hours?  You will be given exactly 24 chocolate bars, halfway through the experiment on this first day, you would have been given 300 chocolate bars.  Imagine how many of those 300 bars you would in fact eat over those 24 hours and how much you would have saved for another time at this point.  The experiment continues and you are given 25 bars on the 25th hour on the second day.  By what time on the second day are you absolutely sick of seeing a chocolate bar?  This is the best example of marginal utility and also the same fashion as it was taught to me by my professor in first year economics.

With the economic ideas of scarcity, perceived value, and marginal value we should think about humanity’s economy on a galactic scale.  How valuable is water compared to the supply of water?  If we were to want to trade water to another civilization in the future and their world has perhaps 95% water compared to our 75%, the purchasing power of our water would obviously be less due to their own supply.  The questions posed within this also beg to ask the question of how does a civilization lay claim to assets which are not within the home-world of that civilization?

This water thought experiment also poses the question of perceived value.  What would the majority of beings in our galaxy be comparable to our own biology and require water?  Which percentage would not?  Obviously, if a species does not consume the resource like we do to sustain itself, the perceived value will be much different from ours. 

This brings up a philosophical argument of greed and that there is an assumption in many people on Earth that humans by nature are greedy.  To be fair, the majority of humans on Earth are scared.  They are fearful in their beliefs.  They do not believe that they are abundant and they have all of these instances in their past and present where they are lacking in many things they want or think that they need.  Humans are not greedy by nature.  Humans are able by our very nature within creation to choose to experience negative or dark themes within their judgements, opinions, thoughts, and actions.  The same is true for all things which are of a positive and enlightening fashion.  The tipping point of the universe is that it is slightly skewed towards the positive because of the balancing point in which you get to choose how you would like to experience humanity for yourself.

At this point within your life and knowledge of economics within this letter, please try to recognize that you are a spiritual being having a human experience.  The study of economic has led me here and to the creation of this letter to all human beings.  If the information laid out in this way is inspiring or helpful to you in any way, then I do hope that you will look within yourself for the belief systems which do not correctly define yourself as who you would truly like to be.  This will allow you to become more of your true self.

Knowing that, I encourage each and every one of you to cooperate with one another in the areas of your own passion.  Let your excitement drive you towards each other and collaborate to co-create the history that will lead up to the point in time in which humanity may truly see the stars.  This should be the goal of all human kind beyond the first goal to stay true to the positivity which exists within each and every one of us.

For those who may be embarking on their own spiritual journey after reading this letter, you may seek our Darryl Anka.  Darryl Anka is a film producer who lives within the USA.  He has a series of films in which he channels information which may be useful for you.  You may learn more about Darryl and the entity that he channels by watching the interview of Darryl Anka (see below).

The other goal of this letter is for readers to realize that Earth can exist in an asynchronous fashion.  We could all do exactly what is our passion and be of service to each other at the exact moments that we require it of one another.  We will be truly free with our time to learn, teach, develop, build, invent, and explore.

This is the transition time out of the period where humans had given up the ability to govern themselves to where humans now govern themselves individually.  This is going to be a transition of wealth.  This is going to be a transition of the concept that you can use the power of the illusion instead of succumbing to the beliefs of the illusion of power.  This is going to be a trying time in human history.  I beg each and every one of your to educate yourself, take care of yourself, and to be your true self.  I hope that all of you may find peace in following what is your passion within your life.

A Crazy Canadian

julianeon:  Please ensure your posts are on-topic and relevant to Ripple.

My Reply:

Please do not attempt to censor the information that I have posted.  The General Discussions board is for "Everything that doesn't fit elsewhere" as there is no Off-Topic board on these forums.  The act of deleting my last bump just goes to show you do not respect those who are witnesses or investigators of these claims which relate to this world's current economic paradigm, which is undergoing a GLOBAL. SHIFT. OF.  CONSCIOUSNESS.

Do not attempt to delete this thread, either.  I will re-post it.  I have worked hard on this letter and the gathering of legitimate and factual information relating to this phenomena.  Not to mention, I'm going to be one of your Gateways shortly.  Please do not attempt to shoot yourself in the foot any more than you have by intervening in this Open Letter's discussion; Okay Ripple Labs?

I deserve that much respect for the reputation I have gained in my posts from the Summer and the effort I have put into becoming a Gateway which is fully law abiding and transparent.  Again, please do NOT attempt to censor my messages to the Ripple or worldwide community.

The posts you removed are related to information which is provided by a very, very intellectual "outside source."  Economics is related to this forum and this letter.  Refer to the opening post, this topic is about Ripple and how it can be used in concurrency with other cryptographic monetary systems and physical wealth, such as precious metals, in the future when fiat currency does not exist within our paradigm.

Information in posts which were censored:
An even better interview with Darryl Anka than in the OP:

Pages 1-62 review a DVD series of Kinesiology videos with an emphasis on spirituality and those who have been abducted or attempting to clear psi/chi/prana/whateverYouCallIt blockages within the astral body.

Pages 63 - 176 is a document called Project Blue Planet, in which, a whistle-blower working the the USA government blew the whistle on many different topics relating to the topic of the UFO phenomena cover ups from 1947-1990s. Him and his defected CIA colleague are in hiding.

You may find a sketch of a Sassani on page 122. On this page, they refer to the race as essessani and that is incorrect, Essessani is their home planet. This is the being that Darryl Anka channels.

I know you are monitoring my situation and attempting to lead me off my chosen path.
Your negative agendas will fail and the light will prevail in this time of transition.
We are spiritual beings having a human experience. We are awake.
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