Update 04/04/2021Data is now accesible here (updated weekly):
1. Introduction.I’ve updated this OP, which was elaborated in August 2018,.recalculating all the data, and additionally included the merit matrix by rank. All with data is now as of
In order to allow comparison between then and now, I’ve archieved the old version of the OP here:
A couple of days ago, there was a discussion going on related to whether people are being awarded sMerit solely on a specific section/topic, and how that seems unfair. While many of us would like to be Satoshi alike, the fact is that sMerit is meant to be awarded to any post we find contribute, be it on the topic it may be. It’s up to the awarder’s criteria.
Every individual has his own skillset (some strong, some weak at best), and we do not all converge on them, less of all on being highly knowledgeable on Bitcoin. In a company that produces shoes, only a subset of the employees will have any idea as to how to design them, but everyone knows how to wear them. The same applies here in terms of Bitcoin knowledge, and although it is improvable for all, only a specific set of people will really master it enough to be able to contribute with a depth charge of knowledge.
In fact, as can be seen on the
Merit Dashboard (go to the Tab labelled "Section Subsection"), the Bitcoin aggregate section receives only around 10% of all the sMerit that has been awarded). There are multiple reasons behind this fact, but that is not the real objective of this post.
What the discussion got me to wonder is the following:
a) How many people receive sMerit on how many forum subsection (i.e. how many are capable of being merited on more than one subsection, and who excels on multiple subsections).
b) For a given forum subsection where people are merited, what other subsections correlate through those same people (a kind of correlation matrix).
2. Forum members Merited on Multiple subsections.The idea here is to see a summary of the number of subsections forum members (all ranks considered) have been merited on. By subsection I’m considering the main level of subsections I’ve used on previous occasions (
Altcoin Discussion, Announcements (Altcoins), Marketplace (Altcoins), Mining (Altcoins), Speculation (Altcoins), Bitcoin Discussion, Bitcoin Technical Support, Development & Technical Discussion, Mining, Project Development, Deleted, Economics, Marketplace, Trading Discussion, Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Indian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Other Languages, Philippines, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Skandinavisk, Spanish, Turkish, Archival, Beginners & Help, Meta, Off-topic, Politics & Society, Serious discussion). There are 41 subsections, 22 of which are local languages.
I’ve first created the distribution for all merited users, and then restricted it to those that have received >= 10 sMerits for comparison reasons. Posts that have been deleted cannot count in any section, but I’ve also included a count of those that have received sMerit exclusively on deleted posts, which is an area of interest on its own (excluded from the list below, but included in the merit matrix).
Things that standout:a) 158 (27 last time) people have been merited on 10 or more subsections. That is a very difficult achievement, which implies a good knowledge in multiple areas as well as communication skills. This feat is in the hands of the following:
user_id Name nSubSections
234771 suchmoon 20
459836 LoyceV 20
507936 DarkStar_ 18
35 theymos 17
300014 DaveF 17
405464 mocacinno 17
257071 NeuroticFish 16
1059082 hugeblack 16
194811 vit05 16
155345 gentlemand 16
1554927 bitmover 16
176777 mindrust 16
897509 xtraelv 16
1291828 iasenko 16
2003859 DireWolfM14 15
93844 legendster 15
1188543 o_e_l_e_o 15
359716 ETFbitcoin 15
101872 Lauda 15
479624 Last of the V8s 15
1052091 CryptopreneurBrainboss 15
1275282 joniboini 15
1564795 Heisenberg_Hunter 15
131333 wwzsocki 15
18321 OgNasty 15
120694 xhomerx10 15
334783 seoincorporation 15
1067333 micgoossens 14
1082600 kenzawak 14
557798 TryNinja 14
1112531 Steamtyme 14
375981 OmegaStarScream 14
33156 vapourminer 14
1237156 nc50lc 14
370611 bill gator 14
886521 mjglqw 14
23092 malevolent 14
1580039 asche 14
452769 bones261 14
358020 Quickseller 14
257004 big_daddy 14
1852120 fillippone 14
317618 nutildah 14
2033515 mikeywith 14
65837 franky1 14
507856 LeGaulois 14
1179651 sheenshane 14
6706 RodeoX 13
765632 bL4nkcode 13
877396 AdolfinWolf 13
533583 Lucius 13
2143453 1miau 13
698159 Jet Cash 13
64507 philipma1957 13
914465 crwth 13
366632 Royse777 13
1210969 JSRAW 13
112493 Pmalek 13
458393 harizen 13
980501 Artemis3 13
1012655 khaled0111 13
351569 tmfp 13
30 BitcoinFX 13
54791 Dabs 12
849090 tomahawk9 12
525056 BitMaxz 12
171896 Stedsm 12
1107844 amishmanish 12
898928 Theb 12
163641 eternalgloom 12
164749 stompix 12
1446224 r1s2g3 12
121796 alani123 12
338591 Thirdspace 12
553037 jhenfelipe 12
99837 HeRetiK 12
984384 Baofeng 12
487418 The Pharmacist 12
1180530 theyoungmillionaire 12
1432468 mdayonliner 12
1292764 tranthidung 12
1903546 LoyceMobile 12
787736 marlboroza 12
1582324 DdmrDdmr 12
579628 bob123 12
1169179 BitCryptex 12
62955 odolvlobo 11
543626 jackg 11
143168 TheQuin 11
345771 Thekool1s 11
904524 ChiBitCTy 11
252510 JayJuanGee 11
1069508 aleksej996 11
198573 Hueristic 11
547435 LTU_btc 11
1453007 RivAngE 11
379147 pooya87 11
859197 posi 11
803757 BrewMaster 11
153656 TheNewAnon135246 11
841337 shield132 11
136484 figmentofmyass 11
1247226 logfiles 11
55384 Foxpup 11
1164833 Direwolve735 11
2423488 Upgrade00 11
30747 Vod 11
1574226 mu_enrico 11
1022860 qwertyup23 11
878630 TheUltraElite 11
741872 poptok1 11
2561166 PrimeNumber7 11
1410401 dkbit98 11
1162397 Parodium 10
783422 Slow death 10
1980983 Coolcryptovator 10
1920993 elda34b 10
954316 TravelMug 10
1096237 tbct_mt2 10
162680 squatter 10
84521 Welsh 10
1235090 akhjob 10
782831 akamit 10
1107222 Don Pedro Dinero 10
1099056 TheWolf666 10
1459810 bitperson 10
1153977 LUCKMCFLY 10
1634314 shahzadafzal 10
1738107 Seetheummerallyeah 10
901859 buwaytress 10
771962 Raja_MBZ 10
1938519 butka 10
1010454 Samarkand 10
1022241 bkbirge 10
99165 Searing 10
557989 BTCforJoe 10
187618 guybrushthreepwood 10
337097 iluvbitcoins 10
763588 Jating 10
379487 LFC_Bitcoin 10
111872 Deathwing 10
2363935 YOSHIE 10
66060 kingcolex 10
1015954 aundroid 10
79608 Flying Hellfish 10
662330 Pamoldar 10
965440 aoluain 10
1520746 hd49728 10
821995 hatshepsut93 10
85033 d5000 10
1920923 anu1908 10
339364 European Central Bank 10
1267993 Leteravian 10
1339716 coinlocket$ 10
1972523 Naida_BR 10
60820 DannyHamilton 10
1143164 LogitechMouse 10
867786 HCP 10
The list with the actual subsections where the above have been merited can be found here:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CFMvMD4lDMnnkxWl9p02k0ZoJW044eRY4EGEqkYd-8I/edit?usp=sharing (second tab).
Each person has his own mix of subsections that contribute to his total received sMerit with different weight. I’ve included the column PMerit (percentage of Merit) to show this.
I've now extended this information (on the Google Sheet) to all merited profiles, not just those listed here.
b) The vast majority (73,53%) of people have only been awarded sMerit in one subsection, and 12,10% have in two subsections. The former amount is logical, due to the large amount of people that have been awarded a single merit.
c) For those awarded >= 10 sMerits, 50,01% have been on a single subsection, and 20,74% on two.
d) The total exclusively deleted is 1.801 people (5,62% of those merited), having 206 of those received >= 10 sMerits. This set of users have gained every single sMerit on what are now deleted posts!
I guess a list in mandatory here:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CFMvMD4lDMnnkxWl9p02k0ZoJW044eRY4EGEqkYd-8I/edit?usp=sharing (third tab)
3. Subsection correlation matrix.This has been a toughie. What I’ve done here is, for each subsection, determine the number of forum members that have been awarded sMerit for posts in the subsection. Then, I’ve analysed for each of them, in what other forum subsections they’ve also been merited in.
The idea behind is to see the correlation of sMerit between subsections, based on where the people are being merited. This should tell us the subsection affinity of the merited users. The less exclusive (see later on) a merited subsection is, the more we can see correlations to other subsections on the forum.
Since the number of subsections is large, I have grouped all the Local sections into one, thus simplifying by nearly half the matrix, and on the premise that correlation between subsections is very small. I’ve also brought “Deleted” to the table as a virtual subsection due to its weight.
The result is the following table (
All ranks):
I’ve highlighted the top three percentages for each row (excluding the deleted column). I’ve also got the absolute value table, but the one displayed in percentages is better suited here.
Example of interpretation: Altcoin Discussion has 3.870 merited people (12,08% of all merited profiles), 1.796 of which are exclusively merited just in this subsection and no other (46,41% of the 3.870 people).
Out of those merited here, 16,28% have also been merited on Bitcoin Discussion, 15,87% on a Local Board, and 14,86% in the Economics subsection. Only 0,90% have been merited in the Bitcoin Mining subsection. A fact aside is that 22,97% of these people have also been merited on a post that has now been deleted (or off-limits).
Table is best read by rows.
Things that are interesting:a) Column nMeritedUsers indicates how many distinct users have been merited in that subsection (not the total sMerit they received), and % Distinct Users the percentage of all merited users.
It’s interested to see that 35,77% of merited users are merited on local boards, albeit with low sMerit values (seen on previous analysis). On the other end of the scale, Serious Discussion and Project Development have only 1,39% of all merited users merited there (archival is lower, but it’s not really a proper subsection).
b) Column nExclusiveUsers (or deleted) indicates how many of those users have received their sMerit solely on a given Subsection. If the user has also got deleted posts, I do not count these here as a separate subsection, and thus consider that the sMerits are awarded exclusively to a single exclusive subsection.
Column %Subsection specifies the percentage of exclusive users in relation to all the merited users in the subsection.
77,90% of Local merited users are merited exclusively on local boards. Ann Altcoin is also a very closed circle (70,80%) and so are the mining subsections (64,53% mining altcoins and 61,13% mining in the Bitcoin section). On the other hand, subsections belonging to the Other section are less exclusive.
c) 16,37% of merited people have at least been merited on one post that has later been deleted. Out of those, nearly a third has been merited exclusively for what are now deleted posts, as seen before.
d) Correlations that stand-out (summarized by Section):
- Altcoin subsections have a strong correlation to local boards, as well as to the other Alternate Cryptocurrencies subsections.
- Bitcoin subsections correlate more to Marketplace, Bitcoin Discussion and Meta.
- Deleted virtual subsection correlates most to Local boards as well as Bitcoin and Altcoin discussions.
- Economics section correlates best to Bitcoin Discussion, Marketplace, Trading and Meta.
- Local Sections correlate more to Altcoin and Meta (although not much, since they are rather endogenic).
- Other section components correlate best to Meta, Bitcoin Discussion, and Marketplace.
The merit matrix delimited to
Legendary rank:
The merit matrix delimited to
Hero rank:
The merit matrix delimited to
Sr. Member rank:
The merit matrix delimited to
Full Member rank:
The merit matrix delimited to
Member rank:
The merit matrix delimited to
Jr. Member rank:
Note: I've omitted the merit matrix for some standard ranks (Brand New, Newbies) and non-standard ranks (Administrators, etc.).