You really have very little knowledge of what you see, let alone of what we are.
OZC is at 1sat. Has been for a while now. Which means once again your post is a rant of non-sensical sentences, and your knowledge of the coin AND us is almost non-existent. Considering OZC is a PoW ONLY coin, staking cannot happen and therefore your accusation and rubbish about us selling off our 'stake' is not only untrue, but your attempt to slander and defame CWI, OZC and the dev team has fallen flat on it's face AND shows your true intention as to why you are here.
The word 'scam' is used almost as much as the word 'scammers' and hence (which is unfortunate) the meaning of such terms re NOT understood and therefore used in places they should NOT be used. In this thread and ANY of our CWI-Threads, these words are not tolerated. The reason is simple and crystal clear. We have been around since (almost) the very beginning of crypto, which means we are STILL here and STILL working and STILL putting up with non-sensical rubbish like what you have posted. Even if your intentions to convey a message are decent, you have gone about it the worst way possible.
My answer to you in a nutshell is DON'T BUY. Simple! It will be YOU that speculates on the coin's price consistently, and while that is good as part of the coins community as well as development, it will also mean it is YOU that causes the most grief when the market drops and no one can do anythign for you but listen to you (nonsensical possibly) rants about how you lost money and car and shoes!
NONE of our coins are backed by speculation from us directly, so NONE of our coins are suggested or even considered when price is the factor. We have GRN OZC DRZ INFX SWEEP. Speculate all you want, but we will NEVER enter into a conversation as to what 'price' they will be, only what DEVELOPMENT and PLANS they will have. We will always leave the speculation to gamblers like yourself.
Oh dear i am so sorry i doesn't means to hurt you and i think i really did some thing below merits. i already was caught in earlier a bad experience thats why my words were showing reflection of that experience. sorry again with exchange of smile and i will be sportive of your project onward need forum like as please check this link// know this post may seem rude if read the wrong way, but I assure you it is just a forward post and me being as blunt as I can be. You may have good intentions, but I cannot see where they are currently.
Is all good padda,
It must have been a translative issue rather than you coming here to troll.
I can be very forward and as such can be mostly construed as rude also, so all is well and no apologies necessary here. It infuriates me to no end that which is Crypto today, in that a LOT of it is about 'price' and nothing else. Which is the complete opposite of what Crypto is actually all about. In fact, Satoshi created this industry on the basis that FIAT was the 'old' money and Crypto the new transactional process, NOT that Crypto is based on FIAT price.
So please all I ask is that you do research with who we are and what we are doing here with our projects. It is not difficult to find the information here in BCT as we have many threads regarding our projects.
This thread is the OLD OZC thread, and we had to revert back to it because the BCT mods decided that the new thread didn't have enough info the first time around, so they deleted the new thread. Such is the case here unfortunately. As such I have reopened this thread a while back so we can converse once again. It seems however we really need a new thread and I will add that to the list this week of things that are a priority.
BTW - we (CWI) will never associate advice on trading as part of the advice we give, unless trading becomes part of the business model we have. The only trading we currently do is internal, and because of that, we will not give out advice to buy or sell or hold any Crypto. It simply is not our business and as such the research you do for any coin you want to gamble on, is up to you. We will not try and sway you one way or another, regardless of whether it is one of our coins or not.
BTW - the Official CWI-Pool OzzieCoin is located here - - just register and start mining