List of numbers
1. killyou72
2. killyou72
3. killyou72
4. bithalo
5. killyou72
6. hybridsole
7. will be auctioned
8. Blazed
9. will be auctioned
10. killyou72
11. minerjones
12. Xprim777
13. Xprim777
14. Xprim777
15. Lutpin
16. lebnor
17. lebnor
18. lebnor
19. Lutpin
20. Lutpin
21. vizique
22. bitenvy
23. vizique
24. vizique
25. minerjones (Lutpin wants this number too, but minerjones called it first)
26. vizique
27. vizique
28. bitenvy
41. MrBONG411
72. Killyou72
97. Blazed
100. minerjones
I am unable to find pricing per coin anywhere......
What is the price per coin and how much is shipping??
txid: soon!!
Also, please release #25 to Lutpin. I would like #75 to replace this.
Price per coin is going to be $10 including shipping in the USA. I dunno rates on worldwide shipping