fucking this pool 42.pooljunkie.nl i cant login i cant reset passowrd i lost my cion
we got smashed yesterday; recovering the old server still. You need to reregister.
We pay out; why should i steal a tiny amount while in the big run the rewards are much better? If we scam; why would 500+ workers be mining at our pool for close to a day already again?
If they wouldn't get paid; why would the big rigs join our pool? They are in it for the money. If they didn't got theirs; they would leave faster than the multipools hop on and off the network...
We pay; we are finding blocks; we confirm; we are available right now to mine; transactions occur and everything works just fine.
If we re-register, do we have to re-register as the previous user? Also, if you some how find those lost coins on the old server database, will you credit it to the new account? Are you using the e-mail addresses to credit us back from the original registration? I did e-mail you via the support section on the pool, but never got a response back. I mined there for 3 hours before your switch to the new server.
Register under the previous user is possible; but under the same email is better for security purposes.
If you only started to mine 3 hours on the old server before switching to the new; you will have zero 42 in your wallet. We had bene under attack since 11am that morning getting smashed and having found the total of 10 blocks for the entire day yesterday. This means virtually no coins.
The new server runs smoothly and is secured. While the network is massive at the moment; we run steady at 500-600mhs and finding regular blocks when the multi's hop off and the diff is normal again...
I'm in PST zone, so I don't know what time the server is at. All I know is I mined at your pool, then switch to 42 happyminer once yours went down.