That's a F#%$#ed up attitude and it sure seems to a popular one in this community.
Even though a few over-active posters seem to think they know everything about cryptos and anyone who has an issue is treated like shit and jumped on, it is has nothing to do with reality. The reality is that only the dev or the mysterious devs that are supposedly lurking around, know the whole plan (if there is one) and the specifics of what is and isn't normal for this coin, and he/she/they have been MIA. Popping up from time to time to give "updates" that really don't provide any information or resolve issues and questions. This last one was a classic, like listening to a politician, lots of words but nothing concrete or informative and of course not addressing issues and concerns.
It's a terrible approach. Although the few arrogant loudmouths are clouded by their own ignorance and fail to see what kind of community this is creating, the reality cannot be avoided. The fact remains that if this or any coin is to become popular and successful it downright REQUIRES the adoption from many many folks who surely don't know everything about crypto and especially this coin in particular. If the community thinks the ideal method is to shit on anyone with problems, questions or concerns and follow through with abuse then the future doesn't look very bright. I guarantee you that many are scared to post after witnessing the standard treatment that seems so popular here. We should be welcoming ALL PEOPLE and aiming to inform, assist, and inspire newcomers, not scaring them away.
I don't give a $%$#$ myself, abuse me, call me names, whatever makes you feel like a big man, but I know that most people are not like this and after seeing what the community is like would take their investment funds and hash power elsewhere. I certainly would had I not already invested the time mining this coin. Life is too short.
Personally I don't care if this is someone's first coin and exposure to crypto's, they should all be treated with patience and respect, not rudeness and abuse. You can be a tool and call people "stupid motherfuckers" or you can realize that you don't know, and never will know everything and once were a noob yourself. One day you might even break through the hatred and see that the future success requires tons of noobs to adopt this coin. They should all be welcomed, not treated like crap.
I've personally never seen any coin that sends solomined coins to an address that does not belong to the wallet, I find it hard to believe that this is normal or functional. I've solomined many different coins and have never had this problem. I still don't understand how it could be possible to "spend" coins that don't belong to the address in my wallet even though they appear to contribute to the balance and have plenty of confirmations. Very o strange. I seriously doubt many other people bothered to actually check this. I just found out myself almost accidentally while playing around with the block explorer.