manajer janji besok semua spreedsheet akan diupdate (14 agustus) dan baru release tanggal 1 september.
gimana mo pada nginvest yah, campaignnya aja jarang direspons. pre-ico 13 agustus dan ico 15 agustus.
Current status of the project:
There is an active development of MVP. We' planned released date at September 1.
You can tracked the development progress in
The product consists of 2 parts, a contract in the network Ethereum and a Web application to work with it. Status for each of these parts:
In Contract in the Etherium network was developed Methods for publishing announcements and ad availability schedules.
Method of Booking is the most difficult, it takes 2 weeks to develop it.
Web application status: Developed the interface for publishing ads, methods for caching contract data in the mango database and working with images (the target scheme is the p2p network, for MVP we use for amazon server files)
kalau semua tau hasil dari pre ico progresnya berapa mungkin abab bisa up lagi, cuma memang agak aneh tuk projek yang satu ini, kalau 1 september spreedsheet belum update juga bisa lumayan ngefek negatif gan, aku kemarin pm soal pembayaran minggu ketiga yang ditulis 0 (padahal belum pernah absen post) juga belum ditanggapi baik di thread maupun inbox, kerjaanku jadi semacam ngambang gan, iseng2 berhadiah saja lah siapa tau nanti malah boom seperti idice.