What's the purpose of changing PoW?
To make it faster to verify and more efficient on mobile and mainstream (not high end) desktop CPUs. See
1. Mobile-friendly PoW (CryptoNight Lite). The current PoW is not ideal for smaller devices because the 2MB scratchpad is too large for the cache size on most mobile and lower-end desktop/laptop CPUs. A tweak to use a 1 MB scratchpad would allow it to run efficiently on lower end CPUs including some mobile processors as well as much better performance on mainstream desktops/laptops. Credit for this idea goes to the Louisd'or project (crypto_zoidberg and doe1138), although they didn't clearly explain the benefits of it.
I've stressed the most important part of quoted text.
I don't think that reduced scratchpad will give significant benefits to anybody because 2Mb and much bigger L3 cache becomes more and more widely used. Mobile CPU will follow soon. Proper implementation of checkpoints will solve the full chain verification problem better than scratchpad reduction.
From the other hand small scratchpad will remove one of ASIC / GPU protection layer. It will be easier to build dedicated mining hardware: for example one can assemble a mining rig with embedded CPUs. I don't think that this is a desirable.
Can you measure relative GPU advantage over CPU with reduced scratchpad?
Original CryptoNight implementation is very good from this point of view: GPU is about 2 times faster. This is quite fair.
I've looked at the range of CPU designs and roadmaps and I'm pretty sure that 1 MB/core is a better sweet spot than 2 MB/core, for at least the next several years, in addition to being 2x (or a bit more) faster. 2 MB isn't even optimal on most current higher end desktop and server CPUs, and is definitely a poor fit for anything below that
I will be evaluating the GPU performance but I don't expect a large change, in fact the ratio may improve.
No, checkpoints don't address verification because verification and sync speed both matter even (or perhaps especially) for current blocks. I will also be adding an SPV-like lightweight client model where signatures will not be verified but the block header must still be verified.
As far as mining rigs with embedded CPUs, maybe (and is indeed already possible with the original cryptonight, as the are
some embedded CPUs with 2mb/core, but they are rare), but I don't really see it as competitive with people mining on the enormous installed base of embedded CPUs that already exist with zero capital cost. Note this is different from GPUs since high end GPUs are not a mainstream product.