Harvest all common info about project and team (whitepaper, landing, community opinion) and make the conclusion:
1) There is about zero transparency and same decentralization.
2) They need blockchain like a hole in thier heads. "Miners" will have to crawling and parsing goods and put in to
a hole ahoolee private cluster, because they want to be monopoly owners of all harvested data. A hoolee "blockchain" will store only goods id and price.
Really dudes? Are you a national central bank or similar for that?
Perhabs the corps like DARPA and Microsoft is more open and transparent than four dodgy pre-shitcoin founders.
3) Cause of above point, theyclaimed that they will build data centers for store all data of all goods of all internet. Jesus...
4) Moreover, skill of searching technologies (based on open source library against internal core techs whales of searching) is in doubt.
Some said that stamming (algo used in that open source library) is bad for languages with complex morphology, and cause of many errors.
5) Project marketing is a FATALITY
- real achievement is make a brand that sounds obscene or shamed in both russian and english languages.
Ass-hole? A-hole? Overgrown teenagers inspired tv series "Silicon valley" and badass corp called Hoolie.
Verdict: avoid and forget.
I like haters
1) it's only your opinion.
2) it's a commercial product. We have a commercial algorithms that can't be opensourced. You can go and ask Google, why they don't make their algorithms open sourced. Yes we store in blockchain only changes of their prices. Do you want to store all pictures of goods in blockchain? May be you'll be the first one, who'll download our blockchain in this case? We're not a central bank, we're a commercial company, that will generate revenue which increase the price of token and make profit for all investors.
3) where did we claim about data centers???
4) LOL, why you don't say exact name of ElasticSearch in English community? You try to tell us, that ElasticSearch, that we use in our basic version is bad for searching? Let's see the list of companies, who use it:
Team Foundation Server
Adobe Systems
Amadeus IT Group
Stack Exchange
Center for Open Science
Slurm Workload Manager
Are you sure, that their algorithms are bad? Or it's your humble opinion?
5) our marketing is good enough, if you are here, trying to disgrace our product and not only here... Marketing is good if some people love project, some people hate it, but nobody is indifferent.
Verdict: you are hater, our marketing works and we're still waiting info about your skills in search algorithms, which allows you to tell, that ElasticSearch is a sick product.