
Topic: [ANN] - trading platform with extremely low commissions. ✅ - page 4. (Read 31963 times)

copper member
Activity: 161
Merit: 0

Dear Alterdice community,
We're glad to announce the upcoming listing of project token HLS on

Helios (HLS) is an infinitely scalable cryptocurrency and smart contract platform based on DAG + blockchains. Helios Protocol is designed from the ground up to be futureproof with secure, high speed,
and low fee transactions, and to enable truly decentralized and democratic applications.

Learn more about Helios project at

Stay tuned for further news and announcements!
copper member
Activity: 161
Merit: 0

We are at Blockchain Life!

If you are in Moscow on October 16-17, we will be glad to see you at the Expocenter, our stand G18.
copper member
Activity: 161
Merit: 0

Дopoгиe дpyзья, yжe зaвтpa cтapтyeт гpaндиoзнoe coбытиe!

Кoмaндa Alterdice пpинимaeт yчacтиe в 4oм кpyпнeйшeм мeждyнapoднoм фopyмe пo блoкчeйнy, кpиптoвaлютaм и мaйнингy Blockchain Life!!!

Бoлee 6000 yчacтникoв из бoлee 70 cтpaн бyдyт oбмeнивaтьcя нoвым oпытoм и пpoгpeccивными идeями. Для миpoвыx лидepoв индycтpии этo oтличнaя плoщaдкa для зaключeния тыcяч кoнтpaктoв и нoвыx дeлoвыx знaкoмcтв, кoтopыe пoвлeкyт зa coбoй paзвитиe coтeн кoмпaний индycтpии. Hoвички в cвoю oчepeдь пoлyчaт дoпoлнитeльный oпыт пo личнoмy paзвитию и пo paзвитию бизнeca.

B чacтнocти нaшa кoмпaния пpиглaшaeт Bac, yвaжaeмыe пoльзoвaтeли, пpиcoeдинитcя к дaннoмy coбытию. Haш выcтaвoчный cтeнд G18, гдe нaшa кoмпaния бyдeт пpoвoдить poзыгpыши и paздaчy пpизoв.

Ждeм вac в Mocквe 16-17 oктябpя - Экcпoцeнтp. Бyдeт пoзнaвaтeльнo и пpибыльнo!
copper member
Activity: 161
Merit: 0

Dear friends, a grand event will start tomorrow!

The Alterdice team takes part in the 4th largest international blockchain, cryptocurrency and mining forum Blockchain Life !!!

More than 6,000 participants from more than 70 countries will share new experiences and innovative ideas. This is an excellent platform for concluding thousands of contracts and new business acquaintances that will entail the development of hundreds companies of industry for the world leaders. Beginners, in turn, will receive additional experience in personal and business growth.

In particular our company invites you, dear users, to join this event. Our exhibition stand is G18, where our company will conduct raffles and prize distributions.

We are waiting for you in Moscow on October 16-17th - Expocentre. It will be informative and profitable!
copper member
Activity: 161
Merit: 0

Dear traders and IEO participants,
ASEC coin listing is coming up next and trading will start within the next few hours.
Stay tuned for further announcements!
Dear traders,
ASEC coin listing on Alterdice will happen at 12AM UTC October 12.
Trading of ASEC token will be open for the following pair: ASEC/BTC
copper member
Activity: 161
Merit: 0

Dear Alterdice community and traders!

We are glad to announce that our IEO Round for ASEC project is successfully closed!!!

All 1,000,000 ASEC tokens valued at USD 200,000 total have been sold,  distribution to all the participants is ongoing now.
Listing of ASEC token will be announced shortly, stay tuned!

Our team would like to congratulate ASEC project @asecproject and all the participants with such a successful IEO round!

To all those users that missed the opportunity to participate in the current round - stay tuned for the upcoming IEO announcements!

Telegram Channel

Once again, congratulations to all the participants!
Thank you for your support!

Best regards,
copper member
Activity: 161
Merit: 0

The ASEC campaign is hot!
We are very close to finish the fundraising round!
copper member
Activity: 161
Merit: 0

Дopoгиe дpyзья, мы paды cooбщить oтличнyю нoвocть!

Кoмaндa Alterdice пpинимaeт yчacтиe в 4oм кpyпнeйшeм мeждyнapoднoм фopyмe пo блoкчeйнy, кpиптoвaлютaм и мaйнингy Blockchain Life!!!

Бoлee 6000 yчacтникoв из бoлee 70 cтpaн бyдyт oбмeнивaтьcя нoвым oпытoм и пpoгpeccивными идeями. Для миpoвыx лидepoв индycтpии этo oтличнaя
плoщaдкa для зaключeния тыcяч кoнтpaктoв и нoвыx дeлoвыx знaкoмcтв, кoтopыe пoвлeкyт зa coбoй paзвитиe coтeн кoмпaний индycтpии. Hoвички в cвoю
oчepeдь пoлyчaт дoпoлнитeльный oпыт пo личнoмy paзвитию и пo paзвитию бизнeca.

B чacтнocти нaшa кoмпaния пpиглaшaeт Bac, yвaжaeмыe пoльзoвaтeли, пpиcoeдинитcя к дaннoмy coбытию. Haш выcтaвoчный cтeнд G18, гдe нaшa кoмпaния
бyдeт пpoвoдить poзыгpыши и paздaчy пpизoв.

Ждeм вac в Mocквe 16-17 oктябpя - Экcпoцeнтp. Бyдeт пoзнaвaтeльнo и пpибыльнo!
copper member
Activity: 161
Merit: 0

Dear friends, we are glad to announce great news!

The Alterdice team takes part in the 4th largest international blockchain, cryptocurrency and mining forum Blockchain Life !!!

More than 6,000 participants from more than 70 countries will share new experiences and innovative ideas. This is an excellent platform for concluding
thousands of contracts and new business acquaintances that will entail the development of hundreds companies of industry for the world leaders.
Beginners, in turn, will receive additional experience in personal and business growth.

In particular our company invites you, dear users, to join this event. Our exhibition stand is G18, where our company will conduct raffles and prize distributions.

We are waiting for you in Moscow on October 16-17th - Expocentre. It will be informative and profitable!
copper member
Activity: 161
Merit: 0
copper member
Activity: 161
Merit: 0
copper member
Activity: 161
Merit: 0
copper member
Activity: 161
Merit: 0

SingularityNET meets an acute and accelerating market need. In the current economic and technological context, every business needs AI, but off-the-shelf
AIs will rarely match a business’s needs. Only tech giants can hire armies of developers to build custom AIs, and even they have a hard time hiring enough
AI experts to meet demand. SingularityNET provides an automated process that enables any business to connect existing AI tools to build the solution it needs.
It optimizes for accessibility and customizability and by its nature reduces the reduplication of effort involved in proprietary development, making development more efficient.
copper member
Activity: 161
Merit: 0

Waltonchain is the underlying public business ecochain. It resorts to RFID technology to create a unique combination of blockchain and the Internet of Things (IoT).
On this ecochain, merchants can create customized child chains and monitor production, logistics, warehousing and retailcirculation of all commodities. As a business
ecochain, Waltonchain ensures that all data on it is authentic and credible. With the self-developed reader chip and tag chip, all data of physical commodities in circulation
is automatically recorded to blockchain. Thus Waltonchain avoids human interface, minimizes the data tampering possibility and creates a fair, transparent, traceable and
credible new-generation business ecosystem.
copper member
Activity: 161
Merit: 0

Status is completely open source and made by contributors all over the world. Developers, designers, creators, educators, hobbyists, enthusiasts, and more –
everyone has free and open access to the repos, assets, and information.
Status strives to be a secure communication tool that upholds human rights. We enable community money, community law and through privacy, preserve culture.
copper member
Activity: 161
Merit: 0

Power Ledger is a fast growing tech startup that has developed a world-first blockchain enabled energy trading platform to make energy markets more efficient.
We help people transact energy, trade environmental commodities and invest in renewables.

We have received global recognition for our technology including winning Sir Richard Branson’s international Extreme Tech Challenge in 2018. In addition to recognition
for the company, our co-founder Dr Jemma Green was named the Australian EY Fintech Entrepreneur of the Year.

Power Ledger’s proprietary software is currently being used in multiple countries including Australia, Thailand, India, Japan and the United States.

With a team comprised of some of the world’s leading energy and blockchain experts, we continue to challenge ourselves to create a world powered by renewable energy.

copper member
Activity: 161
Merit: 0

At Populous World, we work with businesses that need external financial assistance to fund their growth or ease short-term cash flow related issues.
We endeavour to facilitate businesses globally, with our swift and innovative approach to business funding, allowing the invoice finance process to be
less restrictive and easier for businesses to on board.
Our invoice finance platform is well positioned to break down the barriers of funding and allow more companies to participate in this market place - raising
finance from outstanding invoices, but on a selective basis.
Armed with a team of highly experienced technology and finance experts. Populous World are well positioned to disrupt the invoice finance industry.
copper member
Activity: 161
Merit: 0

Polymath Network (Polymath) is a decentralized platform that makes it easy to create and manage security tokens. The platform simplifies the complex
challenges of creating security tokens and aims to bring the multi-trillion dollar financial securities market to the blockchain.
copper member
Activity: 161
Merit: 0

Our mission is to build a financial ecosystem that is open, safe and fair for everybody. Ethos harnesses the power of design, technology and social intelligence
to create a breakthrough solution that will enable everyone to participate in the New Economy.
We’re putting the power back in the hands of the people – where it belongs. Join us.
copper member
Activity: 161
Merit: 0

Secure & Open Marketplace!
On ETHLend you can take a loan in one click from the marketplace or request a new one with your own terms. The open marketplace enables the most competitive interest rates.

 -Funds stored on a non-custodial Smart Contract
 -Loan data auditable by design on the Ethereum blockchain
 -You control your own wallet
 -Regulated by code
 -Crosschain interoperability with Bitcoin
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