I been having good success with DigitalOcean actually for cloud mining Arionum. A few guys told me they got banned on their site for mining but I been running now over a week and I think the reason is due to how I set it up and maybe because I use smaller cpu "droplets" over there. I was testing and it appear if you do the 4 vCPU option in multiple "droplets" instead of their bigger 6 vCPU, seems to be more cost effective.
Here is a little tutorial I wrote for the guys unsure how to use this site or simply CPU mine this via cloud.
First head over to DigitalOcean, this is my referral code so anyone that uses it, my family thanks you, lol: https://m.do.co/c/4046e777c5ef
After signing up, click on the green CREATE button and choose CREATE DROPLET from the pull down menu. Example image: https://i.imgur.com/yjUvmxl.png
While in the create droplet section, choose the Ubuntu 16.04.4 x64 option, (I had issues with the 17.10 x64 version but 16 worked flawless) Example image: https://i.imgur.com/hxgGzCM.png
Next, choose the 8gb 4 vCPU option in the Standard droplet section. Example image: https://i.imgur.com/Y2TBZKQ.png
After you choose that, scroll down to the Data Center location option, choose the one closest to your physical location, then go to the bottom and either leave the droplet name as is or give it a name you can remember (I left mine the same, you don't tend to need this so much)
NOW JUST CLICK ON THE CREATE BUTTON, and your droplet will be created. Check the email you provided and you should get a temporary password for this droplet, you will need this to SSH into your linux environment.
Now you need to get either PUTTY or some variation of a SSH enabled program for your PC. I use Windows 10 so I opened mine up to allow SSH in the Settings menu and I use POWERSHELL in Admin mode to access my DigitalOcean droplet.
Once you have what you need to SSH into your droplet do the following from the command line:
Log in to your droplet via SSH and enter the following command
ssh root@ <--add your droplets IP address after @ (you can find this in your DigitalOcean account by looking in your Droplet section on the droplet you created)
Enter the password you were given via email (you will not see this input so be careful about putting it in. Once its correct, press enter and you will then be asked to provide this again and then you can give it a password you can choose for yourself.
Relocate into the home directory
cd ~
Create a swap file
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=64M count=16
sudo mkswap /swapfile
sudo swapon /swapfile
Install dependencies
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential libcurl4-openssl-dev git zip
NOW WE CAN INSTALL PROGRAMMER DAN'S MINER (or any Arionum miner you choose, for our tutorial I will choose Dan's)
Follow these steps exactly -- No Skipping!
Install Maven, git, 64bit Java 8 JDK, make, gcc, and if necessary (older ubuntu usually), build-essentials.
Typical for cloud setups, enter this: sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk maven git gcc make build-essential -y
Clone this repository locally: git clone git://github.com/Programmerdan/arionum-java
Enter this in command line: cd arionum-java/arionum-miner
Enter: mvn clean package
Enter: chmod +x build-argon.sh (CRITICAL STEP)
Now Enter: ./build-argon.sh (CRITICAL STEP)
Run miner using: ./run.sh (this will use the locally built high-performance argon2i libraries automatically)
In theory if you just repeat these steps on each instance of droplets you want to expand to, should work fine, I am running many of them and so far so good with no issues with DigitalOcean. Just keep tabs on cost, you should get $10 credit from my referral link above to get you started which with one droplet that should get you running for about a week free.
Hope that helps, I had to compile a few tutorials myself to do this but works fine if you follow it step by step.
Thank you, i will use your ref code when i sign up. I have one more question, how does the miner know what address to deposit the coin? am looking at th direction and it doesn't state that