The Artemine Genesis Addresses Trading Website is now live.
All the information in the website is fetched directly from the Smart Contract blockchain data, the website is updated aprox. every 10 minutes.
The transactions are totally decentralized: after a buyer sends a BuyGenesis transaction the ARTE holdings will be automatically sent to the Buyer Address and the Seller will get the ETH instantly.
For more details on how to Buy and Sell Genesis Addresses read our tutorials:
This website is just an overview of the Genesis addresses for sale, nobody can buy or sell there directly. If you clich "Buy" a manual for myetherwallet is shown. THAT was not what we were expecting.
So you were expecting the dev to build pretty much an entire interface - a GUI that you can use to interact directly with the blockchain.
I see your point but from a technical point of view that's basically a duplication of what myetherwallet does.