Contest Thread: ladies & gentlemen, today UltraCoinTalk is kicking off its first competition. We will be hosting a mining rig photo contest! Who has the best looking mining rig? The contestants will be judged by the community, a poll will put up for members to vote and the winner will be decided. Each contestant in this contest will have their rig tweeted out from @Ultracointalk
Sponsored by: Cryptomemorobilia is a long time supporter of Ultracoin and will be sponsoring the event. The winner of the contest gets a UTC limited edition physical coin. One lucky member will also receive a keychain just for being signed up on the forum. The keychain winner will be selected at random at the end of the contest.
Rules for the photo contest are as follows:1. Members must display a physical item with the #Ultracoin and #Cryptomem written on them in the photograph (it can be paper, the mining rig, your arm, as long as it's in frame)
2. The photograph can be uploaded to the forum using an external host (such as or
3. Contestants are limited to 1 photo per submittal for each mining rig.
4. There will be no photoshops or alterations of any kind allowed to the photo submitted other than cropping.
5. Each photo can only be posted/submitted once for nomination
6. Photo Contest winners are not eligible for the following round of competition.
7. No animated images are allowed.
8. Members will not nominate or vote for themselves!
Here is how the contest will be structured:1. This thread will announce the opening of the contest. This thread will also state the rules for the upcoming round of competition.
There will be 4 weeks allowed for photo submissions.3. Member posts photo into a personal gallery or external site
4. Member sends PM to staff with link or posts link into this thread
5. Staff enters/copies photo into announcement thread header
6. The users rig will be tweeted out from @Ultracointalk
Contestants vote for the member they want to win in a poll during the last week of the competition8. The winner will be announced in a congratulatory thread
Contest Period May 19th - June 16th
Nominations Begins June 9th