I would like to make my suggestions, and hope that others will follow suit. Constructive feedback is beneficial.
-When I search Google for "ultracoin", www.ultracoin.net is #2, following this thread in the #1 spot. Perhaps steps could be taken to adjust PageRank.
-The fine print on the homepage states: "Ultracoin is a hybrid proof-of-work / proof-of-stake coin whereby active nodes are involved in the mining of blocks if they maintain a UTC balance.
Ultracoin uses the Scrypt-Chacha algorithm, which ensures it cannot be mined by ASICs like other cryptocurrencies. Transactions are lightning-fast at just 30 seconds confirmation time."
First, I personally would prefer that "like other cryptocurrencies" was omitted, #%@$ other cryptos. Second, I think that the semi-paragraph format of this info, combined with the small text, says "don't read this" to the visitor. Key: most people are lazy. Therefore, I would suggest bullet format with the BEST key points highlighted. There is a sub-page dedicated to further information if desired by the visitor. Lastly, we have a lot of good news and progress lately -which is attractive to potential investors. One thought would be to have a small news feed on the homepage (not to detract from the simple design) that highlights the latest positive news we want people to know about, since they may not (and probably won't) take the time to explore the entire site.
-JUST HOW FAST IS ULTRACOIN? Are we the fastest crypto out there? If the answer is yes...which I hope it to be...we should focus less on the numbers and advertise that! If we are #1 at something, if we are officially the BEST at something, it should be at the forefront of our marketing campaign. Everything that we are the best at should be our key points. If we don't have enough things we are the best at...well then let's go back to the drawing board and iron that out.
-"FastCoin is currently THE FASTEST Complete Secure Transacting Crypto currency in the world!" -www.fastcoin.ca ...hmmm
Just some thoughts from the peanut gallery. But clearly we have some other issues that need addressed in the meantime.
It takes 12 till 15 minute to open my wallet
Bumface stated V3 would fixe this problem.
--->> @Bumface an DEV Team : any info bout the time schedule till V3 will be available
(and please Bumface and DEV team, let this V3 be a simple and easy to install download which don't give problems for noobs and newbie's like me)
Best of luck to the dev team!!