We are giving the wallet a major overhaul in 3 phases, Phase 1 has just been completed.
We are writing you to inform you that we are going to decrease the blockreward from 50 to 15,the reason for this is that the price or Ultracoin simply can not rise with this model.
In the current model there are 144000 UTC minted per day as opposed to a 25000 in Litecoin for example. In the current model where the block reward is 50, there wil be 52560000 UTC minted in year 1 alone, which is over 50%.
If we continue on this path all UTC will be mined within just a few years, we can not allow this to happen.
We hope you (the miners) will understand that this is in the best interest of the coin, and we hope you will remove your sell orders so that the price can rise to a healthy equilibrium.
The price is way to low at the moment (also becasue the daily supply is flushing yout the demand).
The current model is not healthy and unsustainable.so please think about the future of ultracoin and stop selling UTC so cheap.As long as there are low ball sell orders , people will buy low, and the price will not rise.Nobody will pay 2 dollar for hamburger if they can buy it for 5 cent.
We hope you wont quit mining Ultracoin since the miners are the backbone of the operation.
Thank you from Michael, UTC founder & Team UTC
Below another preview on the awesome upcoming arbitrage tool made be one of the heroes of UTC, Dcgirl!
Can everybody twitter this in the Ultracoin chats and get some media attention meby the coin will go up a bit!! this is good news for the coin!!