--scrypt-jane --sj-nfmin 4 --sj-nfmax 30 --sj-time 1388361600 -I 12 --gpu-engine 1150 --gpu-memclock 1250 -w 256 -g 2 --auto-fan --temp-target 70 --temp-overheat 80 --temp-cutoff 85 --shaders 2048
This nets me around 320KHs at a cool 60C. By dropping the intensity, your card will keep cool even at a higher engine clock.
He is using a 290 card. The -g 2 will work, but doesn't work as well as single thread. And Intensity should be 19 after the last N change. Only 280 / 7970 run optimal with I 12 and 2 threads.
klinmaining: As said above, trying turning your intensity down. I'd start with 15 on both cards and try to up each one to 19 and see if you make it. How much system ram do you have as well?
You can probably start at -I 19 and try it out. They should both run assuming your clock or memory speeds aren't above 1100/1500. You may need to lower those if they are above those levels before seeing if they can handle that intensity.