Micheal is like the OWNER of a soccer team! He loves it, wants it to do well and his heart is in it and will spend the cash on new players!
But he isn't the MANAGER of the team but is trying to be it I think. As much as the Owner wants to be the manager the fans will not allow it and can see that his management style isn't working due to the performance of the team (the coin).
As the owner of the team he should for the good of the team (the coin) hold his hands up and say I ain't no manager I'm the owner! I'm gona hire the best manager there is and make my team the best!
We all don't doubt your dedication and love for UTC Micheal but take for example Groestlcoin's official twitter this week! They have been really marketing the hell out of their coin and it's worked! They are #1 on the vote. UTC official twitter had tweeted 2 Times this week! We all know you don't want to do daily updates and see them as been pointless, but this is what people want and investors are looking for! We all know your the creator and are there if anyone has any questions or concerns but if your not going to take a more active roll (daily involvement on threads, troll boxes, tweets, Facebook), then pass the Batton to someone/some people willing to do it. It doesn't mean your not the boss anymore it just shows you are willing to see areas where the coin can do better.
That's just the way I see it. It may sound wrong or stupid to some but that's the best I can explain it for what is worth.
Let's all stop this arguing guys it's getting us and UTC nowhere! We are forgetting what a great coin this is and the potential it has. We have one of the best coins there is yet it's nowhere near the value it should be. Miners are still making good money mining UTC so will continue to sell at these prices , so we need to attract more miners and more investors. This will not happen if we all continue to argue.
I think that comparison has some truth in it