but again Aurum=Gold the only real alternative to Bitcoin is gold-backed currency
we have to cooparate with gold dealers that will back the coin with pure gold for some fee..
If its possiable with aurumcoin.com this is the best (that they will back the coin with gold for amount of coins and allow us to use their logo they can be exchange website too)
this can be very big same idea as bitcoin only 300,000 coins that can be traded for gold acording to value of the virtual coin and with hige value that can be transfered to solid pure gold bars by official dealers
all we need to do is find official dealer who will agree to do that!
then aurumcoin will be much better than bitcoin !
Aurum is Latin for Gold. Thats fact!
Aurumcoin(AU) is (oh surprise) a Crypto Coin.
All you write on top is no reason to backup something in Gold. After backup in Gold the only way to make money is a higher Gold Value. And than you have to go the Way over Bitcoin to get Money in your currency. Only if Aurumcoin(AU) have to exchange in a real currencys without the Way over Bitcoin we can think about.