The Security Token Asset Class Manifesto
1. BLOCKCHAIN OF CHOICESecurity tokens should choose massively popular blockchains. Thus the main thing about blockchain is its rate of adoption. Not its scalability, speed and consensus. It's easier to fix technical problems of an existing blockchain, than launch a new one.
2. REGULATION DOES NOT ADD ECONOMIC VALUERegulation is necessary but not a guarantee of security token success. Regulation does not create new qualities of a digital asset. It's importance is overvalued.
3. FRACTIONAL OWNERSHIPFractional ownership is necessary but not a guarantee of a security token success either. Fractional ownership adds secondary market liquidity for existing assets, but does not create new qualities of digital assets.
4. DECENTRALIZED OWNERSHIPOwnership registration on blockchain cuts costs of changing ownership registration. It enables multi-origination, decreases barriers for securitization, and improves liquidity on secondary market for existing assets. It does not create new qualities for digital assets.
5. CONTINUOUS SECURITIZATIONDecentralized ownership decreases minimum sizes of portfolios required to access capital markets. It enables the process we call “Continuous Securitization.” Continuous securitization is the key process for lowering barriers to capital markets for traditional security assets.
6. INSTANT AUDITInstant audit, asset tracking and scoring create new digital asset qualities. It's important for securitization of assets that are rare or do not have access to securitization, such as movies or objects of art. It creates new qualities for digital assets.
7. TOKENS = SECURITIES 7.1. Security tokens are a digital representation of traditional capital market financial instruments: equities, security bonds, commodities and commodity futures. They do not require new regulation because it already exists.
7.2. Security tokens will be traded as tokens on token exchanges and as securities or commodities on traditional securities or commodites exchanges.
7.3. Utility and currency tokens continue to exist, in a parallel universe with security tokens. The two are different by nature.
7.4. Security Token Offerings will provide an alternative to IPOs.
8. SECURITY TOKEN ASSET CLASSESCrowdfunding doesn’t work, institutional capital markets do work: group tokens into “Security Token Asset Classes”. This is the process behind Token Asset Class creation:
8.1. Standard of industry transaction settlements and contracts for money flow are the basis of “Security Token Asset Class.” It enables asset pooling to portfolios.
8.2. Pooling enables diversification. Diversification decreases risks for investors. Tokenization eliminates borders and grants global access to investors.
8.3. Instant digital audit of money flows creates transparency of portfolios. Decentralized ownership enables pooling of portfolios from multiple stakeholders. Continuous securitization of portfolios enables granular refinancing and capital markets access -- eliminating the need for all intermediates, such as banks, placement agents, etc. It decreases the cost of capital for asset holders and unlocks liquidity.
8.4. Blockchain is not controlled by one organization. Neither should Token Asset Class be controlled and dominated by one issuer. Ownership, audit and operations should be decentralized in the same way as during securitization of traditional assets.
8.5. Stable coins are backed by commodities or fiat. They are important for avoiding currency volatility and for safety of movement of funds through blockchain. The latter is a prerequisite for institutional capital getting involved with security tokens.
9. CAPITAL MARKETS WILL DOUBLE IN SIZESecurity tokens will enable new “Security Token Asset Classes” issues and trading on capital markets that will generate volume comparable in size with the current $200 trillion in traditional securities traded annually on capital markets worldwide.
10. FOR GREATER GOODThe newborn Token Asset Classes will improve access to capital for people who create new things, qualities and meanings. This will decrease the role of financial and legal intermediates. This time all of mankind -- not just the 1 percent -- will be eligible to get a share of these financial benefits.