Because Marina_K is a different person.
Appreciate the rest of the comments even though they are very remotely relevant to BCAP ICO
I stand corrected:
Any reason why you opted to not declare your full name, Marina Titova, after I incorrectly linked? Hey, maybe you're hopin' I won't stumble across it even though it's on Argon's website. Speaking of Argon, any reason why Marina Khautova doesn't mention this project on her Twitter feed?
One more thing, looks like a $6M VC only garners 187 follows on Twitter: (Marina K's other venture). And don't get me started on SeoPult.
I don't think you want want me to dig any deeper, do you? Assuming that I haven't already (or have), ask Brock about my Google-fu skills. He has my number. In case he lost it, here it is again - 815-508-1668.