What to say about this? Is Storjcoin team stupid?
Apparently there are still many naive guys falling for this "scam". I haven't seen this interview with Argon Group posted here, maybe it just doesn't add controversy so it's pointless for many.
Gleb Gamow, again, I really appreciate your input but you don't have to be so vulgar and repetitive, you are grasping at straws man. I'm in no way affiliated with the team and I myself had doubts about how they managed certain things but you are just going too far. I suggest you to please redirect your research skills (which are awesome by the way) to other projects, we really need you patrolling other threads for actual scams. Even 50-100 BTC ICOs scams are important and I don't see you there.
This may be a bad investment but I'm sure they won't run with our money anytime soon.