Hi guys.
We've added BellaCoin to our pool, check it out here:
http://poollo.comYou only need your PixCoin address as username, no need to register:
http://poollo.comWe have 3 different ports for different difficulties:
The 32 one is auto adjust between 8 and 512 with target Time: 15, retarget Time: 90, variance Percent: 30
Fees are 0.9%, and payments are calculated and automatically sent to the wallet mining address every 2 minutes.
If you are familiar with NOMP multipool capabilities (or want to check how development is going) you can check out our Scrypt multipool switcher, in which BellaCoin is included. Generate your private key here: (BETA, PLEASE DON'T USE FOR NOW) and start multi mining now. Currently, in beta testing phase, the coins included for Scrypt profit switching are PixCoin, GlobalBoost and, of course, BellaCoin. The mining address is:
stratum+tcp://poollo.com:(BETA, PLEASE DON'T USE FOR NOW)
Please, PM me or post here if you start using it, test, comments, whatever...