Roger ver has been buying people to promote Bitcoin cash.. Bitcoin cash is completely centralized network .. anytime roger ver can add virus to wallet and cause issues.
Don't forget Craig Wright he funds a lot of BCH projects and pulls funding if anyone hurts his feelings or bad-mouths him or BCH
In other words a lot of support is paid for by nChain and they have to either keep quiet or loose the funding
wrong again tek
craig works on projects , like others do,
maybe they fund things...but so do i and others...we fund anything that we feel will help people
we also got the bitcoin cash fund...
i dont follow craig or nchain, i follow BCH and it has alot bigger players involved than them...
nchain and the patent they got are for using on blockchain, its a smart contract..
it has nothing to do with a specific coin..the only thing they say is bitcoin cash blockchain can use the patents stuff for free.
(in reality i dont see how these patents will even work..just my own opinion.)
your problem should not be with anyone apart from the people that grant these patents.
wow, you really are scared, the fear is real