But what about your 8MB blocks can't they cope and even with a full mempool BTC is still processing more transactions per block with a average of 2500tx/block on BTC and 800tx/block on BCH
Yes the BCH chain is being spammed with inefficient low value transactions but guess what most of the BTC chain is low value inefficient transactions
Well, to be fair, anyone sending a transaction on the BCH chain can probably get away with 5 sats per block an be included in the next block. However, the bottleneck on the BTC chain is at the 100-120 sat level. Only inconvenience is that everyone running a BCH full node has to store 8 MB of mostly trash transactions, every 10 minutes. Wonder what will happen when they hard fork BCH and get rid of the block size limit? Are the miners going to process the trash or just ignore the low fee tx? We will see...
Edit: It appears that Antpool, BTC.Top and Mystery miners are limiting their blocksize to only 2MB. ViaBTC and Bitcoin.com are allowing up to the full 8MB. That really sucks that the Jihan Wu and friends only want to mine 2MB blocks.
Ohhh noes, ehrmagerd, it's 70MB!!!! Should we decrease the blocksize?!
It appears that Antpool, BTC.top and the Mystery miners have elected to decrease the blocksize.