First of all, your puny 8-32MB blocks don't even come close to scaling to PayPal or Visa. (An off chain solution like lightning network probably would, however.) You need close to 1 GB blocks to even start to compare. Let's say you want to start up a block explorer or other information service. I doubt a $10/mo VPS is going to be enough to run a decent block explorer. Pruning the blockchain or running an SPV is fine, for personal use. However, if I want to contribute more by providing some kind of service, the start up cost is going to be huge. How are we supposed to have a decentralized economy when entry to even provide a block explorer will be prohibitive? Only mega whale oligarchs will have the means to provide us with the information services. What could go wrong?
Also, this argument that we will have technology necessary in 10 or 20 years really doesn't fly. Do we want Bitcoin to scale on the level of Visa and Paypal in a couple of years or do we want to wait a decade or more? Since technology is advancing, the systems Visa and Paypal will use will probably make them be able to scale even better. Your on-chain solution will be forever playing catch up and will never compete.
Bones, do you sense the irony when a Kore supporter uses the phrase "your puny 8MB-32MB blocks"? Forget about Visa/Paypal and their centralized nonsense. People who use cryptos understand the value of not requiring permission to pay someone and giving up their personal data in the process - this isn't for your average dumbshit consumer, and it's not ready for the whole world, conceptually or technically. But sure, let's scale up as fast as we can. Don't you think sticking with "micro-puny" 1MB blocks is a bad place to give up on this goal? As far as your VPS, you can get a dedi for $50 a month, you're saying you want to run a blockchain business and you can't afford that?
As far as BCH being mined in China - I don't like the idea of EVERYTHING being made in China either, but you've been living in a cave if this is news to you.
Nice meme. How about a joke, "two shitwits walk into a bar...".
I notice that some exchanges are freezing BTC deposits for the Bitcoin Gold drop. I still can't understand how anyone would trust BTCGPU code...
Finally, last I checked, the average BTC blocksize is 1.03MB since the Segfault deployment. Garbage.