Oh great, I'm just seeing this today.
Looks like I lose out on another coin swap.
Coin swaps ARE NOT good for investors, I have a life that does not involve crypto 24/7/365 so I am not always able to keep up with coins as much as I like.
Looks like my 210,000 b2n coins are worthless now.
"To acknowledge the loyalty and constant support of most active and dedicated members of our community....."
My first Transaction with B2n coin was November 24, 2018 and I have held on to them since and never traded or sold any.
Whats the point in investing in a coin that does a coin swap? I'll tell you......no point at all.
I've learned my lesson, if any of the coins that I have announce a swap i'll dump them and never look back.
The only reason I found this out today was I was seeing if there was a wallet update since its been a couple of months since I checked and there is NOTHING on the announcement post about this swap................
Like I said this is the WORST thing to do if you want investors in your coin.
EDIT: I have my B2n wallet still synching and the top block is still increasing, so B2n is still active with miners?