It is a great joy to experience the launch of BitRaam,
the world's most enlightened digital currency, faster,
more secure, and much more transparent than BitCoin.
Algorithm: SHA-256
Total Coins: 50 MIl coins
Block Time: 2 min block time
Reward 50 coins per Block
BitRaam (BRM)
Normal Block Reward: 50
Port= 4002
RPC= 4003
PREMINE 4.4 Million BitRaam (less than 10% of the total)
I would say that those are bold statements for just another fork of Bitcoin, and premined at that. What is it exactly about your coin that makes it much more secure and much more transparent than Bitcoin? From what I can tell, it doesn't even have a blockchain explorer.
Only 4,4 Mil were premined, out of which 1 Mil will be Donated to the TM Movement, Giveaways 10000, we will have Faucets, Bounties for various things, such as best coin design, best Video or 1st Youtube Video and much more is on the plate, The Fairfield Weekly Reader newspaper also offers free BitRaam for anyone that downloads the wallet.