Right now we are working on delivering the first anonymous feature and also getting on the first exchange, expect news on this soon.
I'm out, peace.
this USBcoin Déjà vu
Some pages ago exchanges was what some of you wanted. Now you're blaming us for listening to you guys?
Good launch, awaiting some exchanges and features.
Thanks! The dev team is working hard to deliver some great stuff. We are working on two things now, reformulate the wallet look and add some more privacy on top on the tor protocol.
We are going to sleep though. Launches are stressful.
No, we are all saying the premine is way to much. Why be so fk greedy? Nothing you are doing requires 3000 BT. You develop this coin to succeed or just make a few fast BTC? If succeed is your answer, think about destroying 2000+ BT, because until you do, no one will mine, and no one will buy BC. Do the right thing and we actually may have a decent coin here. Too many scams in the last week, this plan you have will not work, period.
I see you have been online and not giving any reply to this, which def only confirms the belief everyone is having about BT being just another scam coin. So on that note, good luck to you and anyone who dares to mine this coin.
The premine was reduced like you guys asked, we went from 0.5% to 0.3%. You have to understand that it is very hard to put together a project of this magnitude without any kind of funding whatsoever.
NOTE: being online only means I have my BTT tab open, calm down with the accusations. I was actually on my VM working on the coin.
Ofcourse nobody works for free, neither u should.. But the premine is a few years work for a standard miner, and that's a lil yeah confusing.
Also there are many coins released the last days / weeks what also made promised like: soon we have this, soon we have that, and at the and its: soon the coin is death and the dev sold all and the community got nothing.
Going on exchange without make ur promises reall first will mean: death coin. I guess u as dev want that ur coin rule all?
Right now this coin is just like 99% other alt coins, just 0.0 difference. U say ur working on tor, but why u dont release tor at the same time u release this coin/wallet etc?
Earning trust from ur community is harder to work as dev, and if u watch this bitcointalk forum and all coins what are release in the last days/weeks almost 99% is scammed by promises and dev what sell all the coins after they were on exchange.
I dont claime you're a scammer, but i want to say is: please lissin to ur community, please dont be just a other ordinairy scammer, please release your tor project. Community need proofs not simply words like all do.
Now back to the first thing i said about the premine, a well respected dev ( you dont get respect by do nothing, but by making promises reall ) get donations from the community, maybe not so much as u premined now, but the coin got much more change to get a life and become mainstream.
So u as dev got always the 2 options:
1- just premine so i am sure i get money, even if the coin will never do what's promised
2- make the promises reall and get donations, it's fair, it's where the whole crypto world is all about: trust, fair and goodwill
My advise for you at this moment if u dont want to be the next scammer ( if ur a scammer just say it so other people dont waste power costs, just do it for the community ) destroy your premine, like people say here what got big rigs they get nothing while u have a big load of coins... just hold like 10-100 coins but destroy the rest.