Believe me, I know you and others are playing games.
I also know you don't understand, or don't want to understand that there are people here interested in the project for other reasons.
I whole-heartedly agree with you that the money will go to the most profitable places, and, have stated on this forum that people would eventually come up with better software. That is no secret to anyone.
Since you seem to just want to herd people to the coin you like, go for it. Although, if this sucks so much here, I would guess most people would have already moved on to some other forum.
So troll all you want, won't stop those of us interested in figuring things out from talking about it, same as I would do on Circ forum if I was that interested in their project.
Also, believe me, in the "Real World", this money is pocket change. And, even I hope Circ is successful if they are honestly trying, never hope someone fails to make other's success seem better. Pretty petty way to live life in my opinion.
It's so funny.. When I go on radio shows and the host asks me about using bots I tell them I use qtl, I explain how I use it , what I like about it, what needs to be changed ect. I dont get no love from you guys when I do that but now that Im here you make it about me trying to "herd" people from one coin to another. qtl as a coin is dead, all qtl has is the bot. No discussion needed there. I have reached out to fyrsticken on many many many occasions, I've even had exchange owners reach out to him to help to improve the bot. What does he tell me. "what's in it for me" is the answer I get. Now I dont know if its fyr, or markus or who that makes decisions for the bot but I've done everything in my power to reach out and help these guys get the bot where it needed to be.
Now its game over. They failed to act. Circuits is going to have a killer bot and that's the end of that.
Just wanted you to know that it's not all about herding anyone anywhere or playing any game its about winning the race to a new age crypto trading bot and I tried my best to make qtl that bot.
Sorry guys.